Chapter 8: The Drama

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"Ohmygodicannotbelievelukecaughtuswhatishegoingtothink?" I half-screamed to Niall while pacing back and forth. 

"What?" Niall winced.


"Yes, I know."

"He's going to tell the entire world. We're going to be hated on. We're going to be--"

"Shhhhh." Niall put his hands on my shoulders, smiled into my eyes, then kissed me. 

I am melting.

I sighed then slightly smiled, "Thank you for shutting me up."

"I had to, lad. It was getting to be bloody annoying."

"You talk more British than Irish."

He laughed, "I love your attention span. Adorable." he brushed off my nose, as if I were a two-year-old (but, hey, I wasn't complaining because it was Niall. He can brush off anything of mine if he wants to). 

"I don't think Luke would tell anyone by the way." he said. I sat down beside of him on the sofa, "Are you sure?"

"Mhmm. He seems like a quiet guy."

"He was totally pissed."

"So let him be pissed. He'll get over. He has to. We're on tour together and we have to deal with each other."

"I suppose you're right." I whispered. I felt my face growing warm. Was Niall totally all right with this situation? Coming out? He wasn't at first, I know, but maybe now he was? Had I hurt his feelings by being so scared of telling people? 

I dunno.

"Niall?" I choked out. I felt hot tears spring into my eyes. Great. I was going to cry in front of him.

"What's wrong?" Niall gasped, pulling me against him with one arm.

I took in a deep breath and shakily replied, "I'm scared of everyone finding out. I'm not ashamed of you....don't get me wrong....but I'm scared."

"Aw, mate, I know." he ruffled my hair then kissed me again, "We don't have to tell anyone. I can call Luke and talk to him."

Jealously raged through me. I don't want Luke talking to my Niall. No. Luke was better looking than me and I saw how he adored Niall.

No. No way.

Although, Luke was straight--as far as I knew--I didn't like the idea.

"I'll talk to him." and I smiled. I had to fix myself before anyone else barged in, "It won't be a probably."

"You sure?"


The next day

"Hey." I sighed when I saw Luke by the refreshment table at rehearsals, "I was wondering if we could talk?"

He chugged down some soda and shook his head, "Nothing to talk about."

"You didn't tell anyone did you?"

"Of course not! I'm not going to say someone is gay in my band!"

"Your band?" I smirked, "It isn't your band. Just because you're the lead singer doesn't make it YOUR band."

He snarled now. He looked frightening almost. "What were you thinking?! What if this gets out to the press?! Then what?"

"I don't plan on telling anyone."

"And Niall? Everyone knows Niall can't keep a secret."

"He can keep this one. We really like each other."

"Oh bull. Don't give me that."

More tears, "Why are you acting this way?" I sobbed, "I didn't do anything to you!"

"Just leave me alone and don't speak that N name to me." he tossed his soda can down and stormed away.

I sucked in my tears and ran to Niall's dressing room. I needed him to hold me. 

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