chapter 9

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Andy's Pov

I never knew that vinny could snore so fucking loud. It's about 1 in the fucking morning and i want to cuddle with my love. But i have one problem. I don't know where her room is. Oh wait. Yes i do. I remember her scent. I can find her by smelling her out. I know it sounds weird but it's what wolves do to find their mates. I used my nose and tracked her sweet scent of blueberries and axe to a door with i have seen love die across the top. I stopped at the door and listened to hear the sound of a laptop keys being pressed. I knocked on the door lightly and waited for a reply.



Come in Andy.

How did you know it's me

Your smell


I opened the door to see my love on her bed reading a Stephen king book with her hair in a bun wearing a batman sweatshirt and a pair of black lace panties. I smiled lightly and walked to the edge of her bed and sat on it. She looked up from her book and smiled at me with her glasses on. I don't know why but i wanted to look at her all day. I want to cuddle with her, sing her to sleep at night and hold her close to me and take her out on romantic and cheesy dates and make silly jokes with her and maybe even perform with her and get a tattoo from her. I saw Harley smirk from the other side of the bed. She was sitting Indian style with the book in her lap. She looked at me with her large green eyes with beautiful purple flecks in them. I saw her put the book down and take her glasses off. She shifted so she was laying down on the bed with her knees bent and legs open. It was an invitation to cuddle with her. I crawled on my hands and knees so i was hovering over her. She smirked and raised her head up so her lips met mine. I smirked into the kiss and lowered myself so my elbows were the only thing holding me up. It wasn't heated. The kiss showed how much we missed each other in the five years we had been apart. I pulled away and laid my head on her chest. Harley started to play with my longish black hair. I smiled lightly as her breathing and heart beat slowed down to a steady beat as well as her breathing. I smiled as i continued to listen to her beating heart. It was rhythmic yet strong. I closed my eyes and fell asleep to her heart beating while my head filled with images of our future together. 

                                                                                Harley's eye color

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                                                                                Harley's eye color

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