“No he didn’t. He’s not a beast all the time. He’s a...” I pulled her further up the steps. “Come with me, we need to get out of the crowd and somewhere private. I pulled her up the many steps until we reached my room. I shut the door behind us. “He’s a werewolf!” I blurted out.

She stared at me confused. Then she had a brief burst of laughter before turning serious. “This isn’t funny, Hayley. That thing is a...a monster. It deserves to die!”

“No he doesn’t!” I shouted. Julia leant back at my sudden outburst. “He really is a werewolf, and I love him, with all my heart. We are soul mates and now we’re having a werewolf baby. I’m actually only one and a half months pregnant.” Even to my ears this sounded like a joke and I could see that Julia thought that too. “I have proof. Science, proved that my baby isn’t human. My doctor took a blood test and...i don’t know how she...tested but...im pregnant with Seth’s werewolf baby.”

“Seth? The beasts name is Seth. You fell in love with a beast. A beast that stole eight women and the bus driver. It’s a killer, Hayley. You’re in love with a killer.”

“He isn’t a killer. The girls and the driver are perfectly un harmed. All the girls have found their soul mates amongst the pack.” I was trying to word everything correctly, or in a way that my sister would understand. “Please, you have to believe me. And you can’t tell anyone else,” I warned. I was spreading around the secret two much already.

Julia didn’t speak for a while but it was clear on her pretty face that she was judging me, thinking I was completely insane. “You’re talking complete bullshit, Hayley. You’re pregnant with a beasts baby. That’s wrong, and you think its a good thing. It took me weeks to believe that what I saw on that bus was real and not my imagination. I called your cell and you home number so many times that...every time it made me cry. I thought I lost forever. I thought you were dead. I searched, the police searched and didn’t find anything, no clue to anyone’s location.” Julia wiped a tear that rolled down her cheek. “And when I find you...you’re pregnant and in a hospital...and talking crazy. Something happened out there, maybe it was the heat or maybe they hurt you and...you have damage. I don’t know, be we need to give you an abortion and then your coming home.”

Why didn’t she believe me? I wouldn’t create a story like this...it’s all true. She’s my sister, isn’t she meant to believe me? I shook my head protecting my stomach. “I’m not letting you touch my baby. Everything I have told you, everything that I can’t tell anyone about I told you...and you still don’t believe me.” I grabbed onto my sisters shoulders. “Myths do exist, Julia, maybe only to a certain point but they do exist. I am mated, by a bond stronger than blood, with a werewolf and I am carrying his baby and I love him and I am so grateful for this child. I wouldn’t give them up for the world.”

“That monster raped you. That baby is Satan’s offspring personified. It is nothing but filth. Get an abortion or I will make you.”

I shook my head. “I love my baby and I would never give it up. It is my child, part of who I am and part of who I love. It is the perfect mix.”

“Then where is this ‘Seth’?” she spat. “Where is your ‘werewolf soul mate’?” she said the last words horridly, like there was a bad taste in her mouth.

My face showed pain and my heart broke once again. When I needed him the most he wasn’t here. More tears fell from my face. “He left...” it sounded so weak, like I was telling a lie.

“If you can’t prove that this ‘person’ exists, then I don’t believe you. Maybe that cut on your head proves you have a mental problem.” I winced. She must have seen my head wound. I should have worn my hair up today. She has more evidence against me that I do to prove.

“It was an accident. I’m not mentally challenged, Julz. I’m in love and I don’t care if you don’t believe me because I have people who do and a baby who is proof enough for me.” I let go of her and moved to the door. “Visit me in a month and I’ll have my proof...then you’ll believe me.” I opened the door and gestured for her to leave. “It was nice seeing you again. I love you sister, more than I describe, but I can’t handle two problems at the moment.” I sobbed into my hand for a second. It was really hard to say this. “I don’t want you near my baby, if you think it’s impossible. I don’t want to see you till my pregnancy is over and that it is proof that it is a gift and not a curse.”

Julia was crying a lot more than I was. Her intention was to change my mind, to give me a new start but I was happy with my current one. She didn’t expect me to through her out and disown her. “Don’t do this, Hayley. I love you, you can’t do this. I only just got you back.”

“And it’s nice to see you, Julz, but go. You hurt me, so I’m going to hurt you.” I tried to control my breathing and I did stop the sobs but the tears ran freely. I was hurting too much to stop everything.

“Please don’t do this, I love you.”


“No, please. Change your mind and we can go back to the way it used to be. Put everything behind us and start again.”

“GET OUT!” I screamed, my face going red and falling into more sobs. She ran out of the room crying her eyes out. I could still hear her cries for a little while longer. I shut the door and broke down. I cried for hours. I cried over the loss of my sisters trust, the loss of our friendship, the loss of Seth and the great problems for me to battle on my own. I cried for the inexperience I had with children. I was no mother, I had no one to help me with this.

Sometimes it feels like I am experiencing enough pain for two people. Sometimes I feel extra lost, extra tired, extra lonliness and even sometimes guilt. Maybe the bond worked both ways when Seth bit me. Maybe I am feeling his guilt and his feelings.

My mind is so muddled and everything hurts.

I’m all on my own...

I’m desperately lost...

And with every day that goes by...

I die a little bit more.


Seth’s P.O.V

Why is everything going so wrong?

Why does my chest hurt so much?

Why am I so exhausted?

Why does it feel this way?

Why am I so lost in the world?

I can’t believe I did this?

Why did I leave her?

I love her...

I cherish her...

I broke her...

Our hearts are broken...

I can feel her pain...

She hurts enough for two...

Why does it hurt so much?

I can’t breathe...

Everything is so muddled...

The only thing clear is the loss and pain...

We’re dying...


I am sorry that this is shorter than most of my uploaded but i just really had to upload this. I hope you enjoy it.

This is dedicated to all my friends at St Stephens school; Erin Ewens, Nadia and Niamh Garland, Parris Graham, Kelsey Dootson, Mark Moore, Katie Huynh, and for anyone else i have innocently forgotten. I love you all. <3 :D

love from Hayley Clark or Edwina (the girls at school are retarded :P)

World of WolvesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ