Treasuring Dreams

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I had a dream last night
And yes,  it was about you
Oh, I hate the word 'dream'
All of it wasn't true

I'm back in the real world now
Where everything is different
Unlike in my dream last night
I never got to say "we can't"

They say dreams do come true
But dreams for me are just dreams
They're just inside my little head
Where everything is never what is seems

Then the moment that I wake up
It will all just be gone, gone
Where everybody expects me to smile
And forget, forget, and move on

But dreams are like my stories
I treasure them in my mind
My fantasy, my wonderland
That no one would ever find

I know that dreams are never real
And just some series in our head
But dreams are treasures I remember
After I get out of my bed

¤ ¤ ¤

If you don't get it, the message was DREAMS ARE NOT REAL, BUT I TREASURE THEM. 😂

Okay. Woooh. I'm so happy right now. ❤️ One of my favorite authors on wattpad, MelonDiaries , just had a giveaway for her book that just got published, and guys you should read it because it's awesome!! I wouldn't be screaming right now if it wasn't. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!

So, guess what. I WON! 😱😱😱😱😱 Thank you Mel! 💕💕

Btw, Mel, if you're wondering why I only followed you hours ago, it's because I read your series while I was still on my other account. When I added your books on my library on this account, I must've forgotten to follow you and only realized it now. I cursed when I found out!!

It's so sad that I can't come to your book launch though, 😒 I'm an island away! Still short on the 💲💲

Anyway, please excuse my fangirling 😂


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