ch.4 you have a what

Start from the beginning

"Why would I want some?" My brows furrowed as I tried to read a few words, but couldn't.

"Because this is the best stuff in the world!"Dimitri through his arms up over dramatically.

I liked the way he laughed. It was low, but it was sweet and calming. When he stopped I looked up at him. He almost looked like he was pouting.

"Do you want to get drunk with me?" Dimitri asked out of no where.

"Um...uh.." What should I tell him. I don't drink so I can't hold my liquor. He might get mad if I don't go drinking with him though. "What's the occasion?"

Dimitri sighed. "I don't want to tell you." He paused. "But you'll find out in an hour if I don't."

Dimitri ran his hand through his hair. "What is it?" I asked grabbing his hand out if anticipation.

Another sigh. "My fiance will be here in an hour."

I dropped his hand. Why did my heart rate speed up? Why did I feel jealous? Of course he had a fiance. What was this feeling? Make it stop! My stomach did a flip as I got thinking about it. I felt a cold tear run down my face. I quickly wiped it away before a few more fell. I wiped those away as quickly as I could hearing myself take a sniff. Whatever this feeling is make it stop! Now!

I felt a warm hand touch my face. I forgot Dimitri was here. I felt so embarrassed. I lowered my head as he made a circular motion with his thumb on jaw.

"Are you jealous?" Dimitri's voice made me feel good. It made melt.

"I didn't know you had a fiance. I mean obviously you had a fiance your a vampire prince." I started mumbling more to myself. "I mean really why didn't I see it? A girl in his life is amazing. She must be beaut-"

"Emi" back into reality.

"Sorry. It's almost curfew you must get going." I stood up and dusted off my skirt.

"Emi wait. Dont make me beg. Just stay here." Dimitri grabbed my wrist gently.

"Sorry master. I...uh..." Think if an excuse. Think of an excuse! "Need to go help prepare dinner."

"Don't make up lies. I just want to stay here with you."

"You have a fiance don't you? Go run to her not me! Im just a stupid personal! I don't have anything to do with you so just leave me alone while I do my work!" I snapped. He made me snap. I've never snapped. Was I jealous?

"Emi.. I.." Dimitri stammered.

I walked to the door and opened it. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped." I whispered as I made my way out.

I walked up to my room and turned on the cold water letting it run down my body.

"I can't be jealous! I can't be jealous! Don't be jealous!" I talked as I hit the wall of the shower lightly. "She's probably a queen. And a pretty one at that. I should have never been bought by Dimitri. He and I could never work. Not in a million years. With her beauty and his brown hair that was cut perfectly. And his dreamy blue eyes that shined in the moonlight. His seductively toned -" My sentence was cut off by a knock on the door.

"Yes?" I peaked my head out if the white curtain.

"Emi can we talk." Dimitri's voice was muffled through the door and the shower.

"What about?" I pulled my head back in and poured shampoo on my hand.

"Emi don't be a stubborn mule. Let's talk." He opened the door and stepped into the room.

I rubbed the shampoo in my hair pretending not to hear him. I stood there for a while and released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Dimitri. I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. It was nothing so just go see your fia-" I choked on the word fiance.

"When you come out put on this dress and meet me in my room. That's a demand." I heard a box hit the toilet seat and Dimitri's footsteps out the doorway.

I took a while because I really didn't want to go downstairs. Once I got out I felt the goosebumps rise on my skin as the cold water that was running down me mixed with cold air. I looked at the box and picked it up. I walked into my room and laid the box in my bed. Anna was sitting on her bed taking her socks off and she waved at me as I awkwardly smiled and waved back.

"What's in the box?" She smiled at me.

"I dont know?" I kinda asked and told her. I really didn't know besides a dress. It was a prince though who gave it to me so it might not be a dress. It might be a beautiful gown made of satin and. Haha I'm laughing at my hilarious thoughts. He wouldn't do something like that for a servant.

"Okay then. I'm going to hit the sack after I take a quick shower." She pulled down her skirt and unbuttoned her top.

Anna through her clothes on her bed and walked to the bathroom with her towel. Her hair was a strawberry blonde color that was straight and she wore pinkish red lipstick that went perfectly with it. Her body was thin, but full of muscle from the constant cleaning. She really was a work of art compared to me. What would any guy see in me?

I opened the box to present a midnight blue gown. It had a beaded gold top that lead close to my neck. It touched the floor easily and had a slit on the side that lead right above my knee. Underneath was gold heels that sparkled at the perfect angle. It was so beautiful and more than I deserved. What could be going on?

I patted my hair dry and slid on the beautiful dress and shoes. I left without anyone in the halls except a few people that stared at me. I don't know why, maybe form awe, maybe from shock, but they stared at me as i walked to Dimitri's room. When I walked in Dimitri was wearing a black tux with a midnight blue colored. Wait that tie is the same color as my dress!

"Hello Emi. Would you take a seat." Dimitri pointed to the chair in front of him.

I was hesitant, but did what i was told. "What's going on master? I don't understand. Isn't your fiance supposed to be coming?"

"Princess Alexia and I are engaged, but I want you to come to a party with me tonight. I'm going to do your makeup so stay still." Dimiti grabbed a set of makeup and pulled out a small brush.

I closed my eyes and held as still as I could. He would tell me to open then sometimes, but otherwise I was still. When he finished he handed me a mirror. The soft nude in my eyelids mad my green eyes pop. The thin brown eyeliner looked crisp and neat. He was good. I brushed my hair and Dimitri took my hand leading me downstairs to the ballroom.

The music was calming and softly playing while people danced and others drank blood and wine. The room was tall and white. There was a staircase with gold trim. It lead to a hallway that lead to the dining room and kitchen. The floor was painted with pink and red flowers. All the women in the room had their hair nicely done and their dresses were so elegant. I could hear the light click with every step the women took. It was so beautiful. There was a long table full of food and drinks too. Also there were small white tables along the opposite wall where people were sitting. I couldn't believe anyone could afford a party like this.

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