"That's a problem" The girl answered biting a bit on her lower lip "For the moment Armin has been able to contact some of the others, to make sure they are safe" Eren frowned with that sentence, Armin had never wanted to contact them because he wanted to protect them, and protect himself, it was already dangerous enough for him to know about Eren "don't worry, they didn't show up, he just ask how they were and made sure they weren't discovered yet, which has been the case, But they are worried about you" Mikasa left his cup on the table next to the bed of Eren, doubtful she took the hand of his friend and smiled a little "also the clan has called again insisted that you could go with them, I know you do not want, but it is not a bad idea, with them you would be safe..."
"But I wouldn't be free" the boy talked interrupting the girl, she didn't said anything, leaving her eyes on Eren's hands
"Eren, I didn't think it was a good idea but if they discovered you and because of that they beat you..." with delicacy she pressed the hand of Eren "you would no longer be safe with us" her last words were a whisper, her voice was broken a little.

Things were complicated, maybe afterwards they would start to receive calls in which they insisted that Eren should leave, it was an option but that did not make him happy, to live inside a small colony, in a safe environment, it was such an unpleasant idea, life is not safe, it is unpredictable and to live controlled or locked up as Erencalled him was not life for him, especially simce he was still angry with them for what they had done to his mother.

"My answer will remain the same as it was a year ago," the chestnut added, his eyes fixed on the sheets.
The girl said nothing more and just nodded, despite occasionally being very protective over Eren's wishes, since she didn't want him to leave either.
Apart from the fact that herself knew that not only did they wanted to 'take care of' him, they wanted to lock him up, mainly because of the animal he represented.

The sound of mikasa's phone scared the two young adults. The gilr got up and answered the call, seconds later she hung up and turned to face Eren .
"I have to leave, but I will return" the chestnut looked at her and nodded weakly "Hanji told me that she would start doing a type of physical therapy to help you since you have been immobilized"
"Don't talk anymore, don't force yourself to do it," the Ackerman girl said and picked up her things. "Maybe I won't be able to come back today, but maybe armin will come to see you." having said that, she left.

After a while, Eren was just gazing at the room around him Hanji came in with a tray of food.

"I assume you're already hungry" said the woman approaching him and giving him a warm smile
"Thank you" he murmured taking the food as he could because he still had the cast on his right arm, according to Hanji that was the wound that took more time to heal because it was a broken bone, his ribs were already healing, at least it no longer hurt as much as before.
"I see you can talk a little more now," Hanji answered, sitting where Mikasa had been before. "just don't force yourself, 'Kay?"

"It hurts less now," he said, eating what Hanji had brought him. "I also want to stop writing, it's good, but my hand hurts after a while."
"It makes sense" the woman took notes of that and then looked at him "Eren, I want to have a more complete file on you, if it does not bother you of course, and do not worry the file will be for professional use and will not share it if I do not have your permission" Eren was busy with the food so just he nodded "Okay, I have some basic data such as your age and residence, Mikasa is any relative? To write it down"
"She's not blood family,"
"Do you have family?"
"My father, Grisha Jeager, and my mother, Carla Jeager" Eren answered while he continued eating, fortunately for him it was easier to eat, his jaw hurt less and swallowing was no longer so difficult
"Do they live with you?" while interrogated the woman had not stopped writing
"No, my mother –she used to live with me but it's been a while since thah
" Do you know what your status is?" with this question Eren coughed a little, almost choking with the food
" My status?"he repeated doubtful, he was not sure if he had understood the question well or not
"I mean, you know if you're beta, omega or alpha" Eren was surprised, not because it was strange that they asked that, but because he hadn't heard the question for a long time.
"I am an omega" he sounded a little embarrassed, but more than anything it was because many times he had felt excluded, especially the 'clan' from which he came, since many of them were alfas or just betas
"Do you take suppressors?" Hanji did not seem very surprised, in fact it seemed that she was giving consultation to any other patient, by the way she had acted all that time Eren sensed that she was a beta, but he could be wrong, he was bad at guessing
"I took for a while, but not right now"
"When was the last time you had your heat?"
"One month ago" the chestnut finished eating and carefully put his cutlery on the plate that Hanji had given him, leaving everything together in the small plastic tray, Hanji muttered something about that he still had 2 months to his next heat
"Would you like me to prescribe suppressors for your next heat?"
"No, thanks" Hanji looked up, stuffing her eyes on the boy's face, as if she asked if he was sure "normally I stay at home, so I don't run any risk" the truth is that even though the omegas were quite special for society for being the ones who could bear children, at least more easily that betas, there were some alpha, who believed were superior, wild alphas, were called from time to time.

Promised Love [LEVI X EREN / Riren] حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن