Heaven was gorgeous. Not what they read in their big book of holiness but better.

People of all ages lived together in harmony. One got to live the age one enjoyed most and one got to be with the people who they loved most.

There was no inconvenience, envy, gossip or unfaithfulness.

There was just peace and bliss.

Days were endless. But nights were too. And the fruit from the tree of life would feed ones immortality.

Homes were made from colorful crystals, the sun shining through them shooting colorful spectrums onto the cloudy earth one walked on.
And you're probably wondering why and how I know this...

I know it because I've been a part of that graceful afterlife. But banishment by Zeus himself put me back on this dreadful planet, bound to walk the earth until his reign would fall.

Slowly shifters started moving into the camp, entering homes and bringing out the humans that found themselves hypnotized within the confines of their 4 walls.

"Are those all of them?" I questioned once everyone came to a stop.

With a nod of Master Jamison's head and the touch of his mates hand on my shoulder, I flipped the switch from heaven to reality.

Their eyes slowly turned to normal, confusion flooding their expressions until they saw the pack of wolves backed up by centaurs surrounding them.

"You have no business here!" a tall masculine man yelled.

"And you have no business killing our people." the words coming from my mouth with sincerity.

"You have got to be joking!" a female with long blonde curls and green eyes laughed.

"Does it look like we're joking?" a strong and powerful yet feminine voice coming from the Alpha beside me. Her frame standing tall as she crossed her arms over her chest. A wrist pointed upwards with an index finger following suit, a flame laced with electricity dancing on the tip of it.

The female in the crowd's laugh ceased the moment her eyes landed on Miss Thompson. Atta girl!

"And we're supposed to be scared of an elemenal, why exactly?" muscle head questioned, his arms crossed over his chest showing off large bulges of muscle under his skin. Juicy.

"Because she has me." Master Jamison's voice booming from beside me as he stepped forward in his naked form, dominance and power flooding the surface of the earth.

"And who might you be?" muscle head chuckled before smirking.

Suddenly Master Jamison's bones started breaking, shifting and realigning. And with a sadistically whispered "Your worst nightmare.", chaos broke loose and the mans smirk was gone along with his head.

The beast before me was merciless, a reincarnation of Hades himself as he flung bodies into the air over his fur covered shoulder.

A yelp from beside me had me snapping out of the enchanting web of spells the monster had spun.

There next to me stood Miss Thompson, a silver arrow lodged in her leg as a human attempted to choke her to death.

I infiltrated his mind, in search of fears and there I found two. I filled his mind with pictures of falling at high speed into a void of nothingness, the only sound around him being the sound of swarms of bees.

His screams sounded off the wooden walls of their camp before I watched him run into an absent minded centaurs spear. Ouch.

The crowd around Miss Thompson and I grew bigger and more threatening as everyone else found themselves caught up in battle.

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