I've almost forgotten the way he used to beat me all those years ago.

My memories flit by me as my mind began focusing on our third date.

We'd gotten to his house after our surprise picnic in the meadow. We were alone since his parents had gone out with some of the other pack members. He had wanted to take my virginity and I refused, only to have him beat me black and blue. I was unable to sit or stand or basically move without being reminded of that fateful Wednesday night for a week and 3 days. Luckily my purity was still kept in place.

And then he abused me again when I came home from training with Liam one day as we were preparing for a war with some Rogue pack.

He accused me of 'spicing it up' with my best friend hence why I 'reeked' of him and why sweat covered me like a blanket. He had beaten me unconscious and blamed it on me tripping and tumbling down the stairs.

Each and every memory of all the times he beat me flooded my mind like the times when the human's Noah had build the ark, before they dried underneath the scorch of the hate for him that I now knew had grown within me over the past few years.

"I'm not going anywhere with you." I spat.

"Well, it seems like I've already got you right where I want you." he whispered before inching closer and licking my ear.

I turned my head in the blink of an eye and snapped my jaw shut on his shoulder; hearing him growl fiercely at me as his nails came clawing at my throat.

"I hate you!" I spat as a chunk of flesh flew from my mouth and his black blood dripped from my lips; probably staining my white teeth in a somber shade.

"You'll regret the day you ever met me, wench!" his voice laced with venom as he basically spat the words at me just like I had done with his flesh.

How could someone I once loved ever do this to me?

His harsh words cut me deep.

But nothing and I mean nothing could ever make me give this up.

Not even the man I once called 'Mine'.

"As shall you." I breathed inaudibly.

Luke was my mate. My future was with him and our pack. And Marcus was nothing but broken memories to me.

Our memories were memories that I shared with a man I now loathed with every atom of my existence.

"Luke will come, and he WILL kill you." the promise in my voice was clear as I stared into his hollow and soulless blue eyes.

"Oh really? It's been 5 days since I took you Lexi and your little mate hasn't even attempted to find you." he spat before laughing like a maniac.

He's lying.

"Where is your mate, Alexandria? Has he forgotten about you? Is the little princess all alone?" he teased while pouting.

The sudden urge came upon me to spit in his face as saliva flew from my lips and hit him right in the eye causing me to grin.

Fucking sleezeball.


Luke's Point Of View.

"Where is she?" I roared as I toppled my desk before digging my claws into my scalp as a growl of frustration escaped me.

It has been 5 days.

5 fucking agonizing grotesque days without my loving mate.

My wolf has been driving me insane and every failed attempt at finding her was just another bullet to the empty can that I was.

I couldn't stand even going home without destroying something because her faint scent covering everything would drive my beast mad and I swear the sofa in my office has left a permanent dent in my back from all the times I've curled up on it in dread.

Liquor and the darkest pit inside me that contained a restrained beast have become my only friends in my times of need now, which has consisted of the whole extent of her absence.

"We don't know Luke, her trail stops dead a few feet from Alpha Jeff's territory and his warriors have already searched for her. They found nothing my friend." Raph's voice broke through to me in a saddened tone as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"If you were my friend, you'd find her." my words laced with hopelessness as my gaze met Raphael's and my eyes filled with tears.

My knees beckoned me as I came crashing to the ground and a mournful howl ripped from my chest before I watched my Beta fall to his knees and howl at the loss of his Luna as well.

I carelessly let her slip through my fingers.

I should've been more careful.

I should've protected her.

But I didn't.

And now I've lost her...

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