chapter 6

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Chapter 30


there may be some typos and mistakes because i didn't have time to proof-read before work, so be nice!

thank you again for all the love!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Noticing that Darcy and Jane were still in their Midgardian clothing, dirty from their long day, Frigga called a few handmaidens to draw them a bath (oh my god it was the size of a pool) and help them into some clean Asgardian clothes.

Not wanting to be restricted because Darcy had the inkling feeling that trouble was definitely on its way, she requested to wear something that was similar to Sif's armor. Darcy was outfitted in what she called 'warrior lite,' a heavy black leather breastplate replaced the usual metal, and her pants were a type of black stretchy fabric that reminded Darcy of denim. Her boots seemed to be reinforced, much like her breastplate, and came up over her knees. They were also black.

She was given a way to holster her whips at her sides, tucking her red mask into a fold of fabric next to the whip on her right. Her hair was braided into two long pigtails that started as several smaller french braids on each side of her head, coming together into the larger braids like rope that hung down over her shoulders.

Darcy walked out of the dressing room that she had been led to, meeting Jane back in the center of her bedroom. Jane's dress was a teal blue that flattered the golden highlights in her hair and skin, and she also had a leather breastplate on top of it.

Jane whistled long and low at Darcy, laughing when she started posing ridiculously.

"Dude, you look so kick ass right now! Like, it's kind of sexy as hell." The handmaidens tsk'ed at Jane and Darcy's antics, blushing at Jane's words.

"Right?! I want to wear this all the time now. I feel like I need a kickass soundtrack for when I walk around." Darcy strutted around the room to make Jane laugh more.

It was then that a guard cleared his throat gently, but somewhat awkwardly, at the two mortals telling them that the Queen wished to meet with them now.

All of Darcy's bravado left her at the reminder that they were going to meet Frigga, Queen of Asgard, and most importantly Thor's mother.

"Janie, I'm totally going to hold your hand because this woman is beautiful and competent and kind of terrifying in both aspects."

Jane was nodding frantically, already reaching out her hand.

The guard seemed to actually have a sense of humor unlike the handmaidens because he laughed gently at Darcy's words as he led them into the vast hallway outside Jane's room.

"Have no fear, Lady Darcy. While our Queen can be most intimidating when she desires it, she finds no pleasure in making her subjects squirm."

"Thanks, dude. That helps a bit."

"Of course, Lady Darcy. I must admit, I am most honored to meet you, if I may be so bold."

Darcy raised an inquisitive eyebrow at the Asgardian, her gaze asking what the hell was he on about?

"I was on the training grounds earlier this day, sparring with the other warriors. We were amused to see Lady Sif bring a mortal onto the field and decided to watch the match. I was not the only one who was in awe of your abilities, Lady Darcy. No one has bested Lady Sif in a long while."

Darcy blushed and stammered out what she hoped was an appropriate and sincere thank-you, looking to Jane for help.

Jane was staring at her with her jaw on the floor in shock, reminding Darcy that she hadn't gotten around to telling her friend about that yet. Oops.

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