chapter 5

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Chapter 21



you have been warned.
Chapter Text

Thor was impressed by the Midgardian's Helicarrier, it boasted of more power and might than he had originally suspected when he had first landed on the realm. Though after his time with Lady Jane and Lady Darcy, perhaps he should know better by now that looks are deceiving.

He looked around at his new team as they stood on the bridge of the ship, taking in their abilities. They were all powerful warriors, wielding their weapons and bodies with expertise. He wondered why Lady Darcy was not part of the team. Surely, she was a great enough warrior to join them? He knew that she was acquainted with SHIELD, so perhaps she was just elsewhere on the ship.

Fury came to him then, assuring him of Lady Jane's safety.

"We've sent her to Norway to study some unusual phenomenon, so she and Miss Lewis will be far away from any collateral damage, as well as from the clutches of your brother."

Thor's brow crinkled in confusion, "Lady Darcy? Why wouldn't-"

His inquiry was rudely interrupted by the Man of Iron, Stark, who stepped between him and Fury with determination.

"Shakespeare, hey, mind if I have a word with you? I need to pick your brain about science." He continued to ramble nonsense and Thor was about to dismiss him entirely and return to his questioning about Lady Darcy when he saw the urgency in Stark's eyes. Cleary his foolish words were a farce for the true matter. He politely excused himself from Fury's suspicious eye, following Stark down the twisted halls of the ship until they found an vacant office.

Thor had barely crossed the threshold behind Stark when the man turned and encroached in his space.

"You absolutely cannot mention Darcy here, unless you're acknowledging her as Foster's assistant, do you understand me?"

Stark was furious, but he gave no reason as to why.

"Lady Darcy is a fierce warrior. It would dishonor her to belittle her as such and not let her feats be known. I do not understand your vehemence on the topic-"

"She's my daughter!"

Thor was silenced by the man's outburst, but still unclear, "Then wouldn't you want to fight along side your daughter? I did battle with her, and she was truly a sight to behold."

Stark paced angrily, seeming to search for the words he desired. Ever the diplomat, Thor waited, knowing to hold his tongue.

"Listen, Point Break, no one on this ship knows that she is my daughter. No one but you and Coulson. And he made a vow to keep her away from SHIELD's eyes, to keep her away from the messes we make so SHIELD doesn't make her into a warrior. She only fought with you to protect Jane, Erik, and you. She doesn't fight like you do, fighting for the sake of battle, for whatever twisted glory you see in it. So I am begging you, Thor, don't let anyone know about her, help me protect her from what we do."

Thor was dumbstruck by the ferocity of Stark's words, only ever having seen the man be arrogant and childish. It was the man's use of Thor's own name that let Thor into the severity of the situation. From what he knew of Stark, the man would never miss an opportunity to use a name to tease another. He smiled, remembering that Lady Darcy did that as well.

"Very well, Stark. You have my word. While Lady Darcy may not be here battling with us, it gives me great comfort knowing she is at Lady Jane's side for protection, as well as companionship."

Stark sagged in relief, before quickly putting on his arrogant mask. But it was too late, Thor had seen the concerned father beneath, and Stark would never look the same to him. It was a fitting look for the man, Thor decided.

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