"Right. Not that way then."

He took a deep inhale that he immediately regretted, coughing up what felt like way too much sand to be any good for him, Tony chose the opposite direction of his little metal crumb trail, and began to walk.

Tony could feel Rhodey's eyes on him, heavy and concerned and in no way subtle.

"Rhodey, I'm okay, gotta dial back the Bambi eyes for me," he mumbled at his friend. He reached out an arm as if to pat his friend on the shoulder, but was halted in his movement from the multitude of IV's.

"You are not okay, Tony," Rhodey growled, "You were missing for three months, theres a crater where there used to be a mountain, and there is something glowing in your goddamn chest! Not okay!"

Tony's smile turned into a grimace as the jet hit some turbulence, but forced it back on his face after the jostle.

"Aww, knew you loved me, big guy."

"Shut the fuck up and get some sleep."

It wasn't until they were nearing US airspace that Tony could build up the courage to ask about Darcy.

Wary of the many sets of ears around him, Tony nudged Rhodey in the seat next to him until his friend could see the seriousness in his eyes.

"How's everything back home? All the bots safe and sound?"

Understanding Tony's veiled words, Rhodey smiled. "Yeah man, all the bot's are okay. There was some trouble for a bit, but Happy and Pepper had it covered. Happy brought down his cat for a bit because the bot's needed some company, apparently."

Tony raised his eyebrow at his friend, who only shrugged in response. Huh, imagine that. I'll have to send Logan a bottle of scotch and a pack of Cubans in thanks.

Seeing Pepper's red-rimmed eyes as he stepped off the plane both broke his heart and made him smile.

"Hmmm. Your eyes are red. Tears for your long lost boss?" He teased.

"Tears of joy. I hate job hunting."

Rolling his eyes behind his sunglasses, Tony scoffed, "Yeah, well, vacation's over."

Ignoring his jab, Pepper reached into her purse and held out her phone.

"Before we head to the press conference, I believe there is an important call for you to make, Mr. Stark."

Tentatively reaching out his hand (he doesn't like being handed stuff, sue him), Tony pulled the phone from her grasp, ignoring the stirring in his gut as their fingers brushed.

Focus,Tony, he chastised himself, following Pepper as she led her way to a limo nearby and putting the phone to his ear.

He knew that Darcy was going to scream and cry at him, he just didn't know which one he wanted first.

"Hello?" he cringed at the deep inhale that he heard across the line.

"YOU ABSOLUTE JACKASS! DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED SICK I'VE BEEN? YOU'VE BEEN GONE FORMONTHS! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" His baby girl's furious yells became more garbled with tears as she continued, and Tony was thankful for the privacy of the limo when the door closed behind him.

"I am so, so sorry, Bot. I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am that you were scared and hurting."

His heart shattered as Darcy just sobbed on the phone, seeming unable to form words for the moment.

"I thought of you every single day, sweetheart. That's how I was able to get myself out, thinking of you. You, Pepper, Rhodey and Happy. JARVIS and the bots too, I guess."

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