Tony was glad that the professor stopped his speech for the time being, this was way above his pay grade and he needed a few minutes to think. Or years, holy shit why can't Starks deal with normal crap?!

He took a moment to break things down. His baby girl was gifted with a mega-mind. A mega-mind that was basically live streaming data into her head every second of every day and connected her consciousness with technology. He'd need to have a talk with JARVIS later, but this information made sense of the other 'bots' closeness with Darcy.

"Okay you're just going to have to keep going, Teach, then give me a minute to hyperventilate before I start going all mad scientist on this and asking you a million questions, sound good?"

Xavier just smiled and continued, "Very well. I believe that both the technokinesis and telekinesis are simply side effects from Miss Darcy's main mutation. Her 'mega-mind,' as you call it. From the beginning of her life, she showed an abilities that were not proportional to her age let alone her body's physical capabilities. I believe that her mind was pulling information from her surroundings so fast that her body was getting left in the dust. In order to overcome her physical limitations, her mind furthered her mutation to let it evolve, gifting her with the sub-mutations so that her body could navigate her environment at the same pace as her mind.

"I have never seen a child so young with so many gifts. Many mutants do not come into their powers until they reach some higher maturity than Miss Darcy, but I firmly believe that your daughter's abilities are still developing, and will continue to develop as she ages.

"When I meet with Miss Darcy tomorrow, I will explain to her the gifts she has like I have to you. I thought it would be best so she could have the day to settle in, she already has had quite a shock and did not need me piling it all on within the very hour she had arrived."

"Thanks for that Teach. I appreciate it. Gotta ask, though, why did you look scared, earlier? Lil Bot -and holy shit is that name even more appropriate now-has a hell of a noggin, but you said she's safe." Tony felt dread pool in his stomach, hurriedly thinking back on the conversation and looking for any sign of danger that he missed.

"She is safe, Tony. With you and your family. However, should someone find out about her abilities, someone who does not love her and wish to protect her like you do, I fear that they would attempt to use her for their own machinations." The professor leveled an even glare at Tony, making sure that his gaze was met, "You and I both know of someone who would not hesitate to do so, Mr. Stark."

Every bit of fear that Tony's body could create slammed into him at once, despair pooling in hit gut as Xavier's words sank in.


Tony walked out of the professor's office and into the rest of the mansion in a daze, half-heartedly dodging the mutant kids that were running amok in the halls. Huh, recess? After a few minutes of mindless searching, he felt a firm hand grip him by his elbow, pulling him in a different direction.

"Whoa there cowboy, do not-! Oh, hey kitty!" Tony snickered at the look on Logan's face as the man dragged him down the hall, "Where we heading, pussycat?"

He full out cackled with glee when Logan growled at him.

"Ya know, Stark, I was tryin' to be nice an' offer ya a beer, but now I ain't so sure I want to put myself through yer special brand of company."

"Hey now let's not be hasty, tiger, I'm all about the booze and I most definitely need a beer."

Logan nodded and let go of Tony's arm as they rounded a final corner, pushing open a door to their right. Tony blinked at the brightness in the industrial kitchen, pulling out his yellow-tinted sunglasses and popping them on the bridge of his nose. Much better.

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