Chapter 2 - An Unexpected Journey

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Sorry I haven't updated it's because like every teacher decided to give me homework. Also sorry it's so short the next chapter is much longer, I promise.

Disclaimer: I own none of these characters


The cab ride for Sherlock went very slowly considering he knew all the streets around London. After getting in the cab at St. Barts he had memorised their every move, first left, then left again, then right. They could not be going this way, could they? Sherlock looked over at Molly and she nodded to confirm the destination.

"Molly please! Don't make me go there!" Sherlock pleaded once again.

"Sorry Sherlock but that's where I live." Sherlock furrowed his brow in confusion. It was a few seconds before he realised.

"John!" he gasped in shock. However Molly had a wide grin on her face. "Your boyfriend is John!"

"Well, we're engaged, so fiancé!" Her smile beamed out like a fire.

"John?" He repeated in shock

"Yes, John." And in that moment it was as if Sherlock Holmes was the cold wind or the dirty water putting out Molly Hooper's homely fire.

"How? Why?"

"Why?" she repeated angrily "Because John Hamish Watson is a kind loving man who loves me for who I am, unlike you who used me to your advantage when you needed me the dropped me and you led me on and just generally treated me like shit" There was a silence which seemed to last the journey.

"I am sorry Molly" Sherlock began, breaking the silence " I know I have used you in the past but after you helped me I had time to ... think"

"Wait can you stop here just for a second?" Molly spoke to the cab driver. The cab pulled up outside a café

"Alright, love" he said in his very broad cockney accent

They got out of a cab - they we're about 3 minutes away from Baker Street

"Molly why are we here?"

"I want you to prove that you've changed, that you are sorry," Molly began leaving Sherlock confused not for the first time tonight. "You can wait here for about half an hour then you can return to 221B, where you will tell John everything but you must leave me out of it - you say I knew nothing about it." Sherlock now understood. He nodded curtly and without saying anything else Molly Hooper got back into the cab to return to Baker St.

When she was alone in the cab a question came into her head. What had Sherlock meant when he said "I know I have used you in the past but after you helped me I had time to ... think". Surely he was not developing affection for her? After all these years she has known him it's now that he returns her feelings, when she was about to marry his best friend.


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