ch.2: school is a dub

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As soon I had I went to sleep my alarm when off. That was quicker than I thought I Said in my head.  I quickly put on black leggings and a Green Day shirt with so black socks and Converse. Then I realized that I needed to cover my cuts. It was hard to find a bracelet since my cuts were bigger than usual. "Ugh why did I do this to my self" I mumbled. Then I realized that I had so face paint left over (for some reason). I could just use that to cover some of it and put a bracelet on. So that is what I did. I didn't have to to eat breakfast so I just went to school. My mom wasn't home to say goodbye. That was weird I said in my head. I walked to school thinking of what people would say to me this time. I finally to my worse nightmare which I call school. I walked into to school. Got my new schedule (nothing new) and went to class. First was Math yay I said sarcastically in my head. Of course I knew no one in my class not the teacher. The class was noisy until the teacher came in. She had black hair and her outfit was very "teacher like". She had blue eyeshadow and had blue eyes. She wore high heels. "Hello class I'm Mrs.Paris and welcome to 12th grade math" she said. Then I to listen to boring algebra for 45 mins. When I finally the period was over. Rest of day was the core subjects ELA, Social studies, Science, and gym. I had lunch last period. I sat alone as usual. I didn't even eat lunch. Ding Ding school was over. I went home alone and when I went home I found a note from my mom. Is said Dear April, I'm not going to home tonight. I have to work late., I'm so sorry. Help your self to anything in the fridge. Goodnight honey! I grabbed a leftover Burrito and went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2016 ⏰

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