"Hello," she said with a smile. "Glad to see you came to your senses." She motioned to the humans at the door, and they came forward, locking The Doctor's arms behind his back. "My name is Taylor."

"No, it isn't," The Doctor sighed. "That's the name of the human body you're possessing. How long have you been inside her, eh? Weeks? Years? Somewhere in between."

Taylor's bright pink smile never faltered. She played with a jet black curl that had fallen from her ponytail, and smirked at him. "Mmm. The Oncoming Storm is smarter than he looks. This human child, then. Let's not waste time on her, she is of no matter to you. I know who you came to see though, Doctor. And don't give me that look. She's still alive, for now. Bring him!"

Taylor turned, and strided down the hallway of metal. The Doctor's captors marched him after her. Blobs of darkness passed by silently, clicking and hissing to each other once in a while. Hallway after hallway passed.

"Bit quiet, isn't it?" Asked The Doctor.

"Plans have progressed to full capacity," replied Taylor curtly. "What is there to do? Just through here."

"Why the doors?" The Doctor asked. "You lot can pass through nearly anything. What is with the doors?"

"Send a transmission. I want it two way," Taylor told a Vashna.

In this grand metal room, a dark green ball with something like tentacles sat on a pedestal type thing. Nothing besides computers- ingrained into the walls- were in this room. No Irene. A holographic screen appeared, catching The Doctor's attention. There, her wrists and ankles fastened against the metal platform, lay Irene.

"Mr. Smith?" Irene stared at him, properly terrified. "What are you doing here? We can't both be captured!"

He looked down at the ground, shaking his head. "I had to get you," he reasoned. "You have family waiting for you."

"Yeah!" She exclaimed. "Family who I'd like to, you know, live long and fulfilling lives! Without getting killed by carnivaorous shadows?"

"Ooh," Taylor admired. "Little miss feisty knows more than she says."

"Why does she sound British? Taylor isn't British."

"Well, that isn't Taylor. That is a Vashna, who possessed, and has been impersonating her off and on for... how long? How long?" He demanded.

"Two years," she replied.

"I knew there was a reason a beauty queen would talk to me." Sighed Irene, dropping her head back on her examination table. "Hang on. Aliens are British?"

"You're a bit thick, aren't you, then?" The Doctor narrowed his eyes at her, and she did her best to shrug through her bondages. "No. I've told you, TARDIS translates alien languages."

"Your TARDIS is British?"

"Yes. No! No. We spend quite a bit of time there."

"So you are British!"


"If I might interrupt?" Taylor stepped forward.

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