Chapter 21: Truth to Tell

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Roth reached Ember Canyon and flew toward the Cave of Thirteen. Although wearied from the long journey, he refused to rest. He would demand answers from the co-Princes until he found Rainey. He banked and started his downward descent, allowing images of their night in Cairo to replay in his mind. He wanted to kiss her again and again and whisper words of love.

He directed his consuming anger toward himself. He should have taken Rainey to another location until he'd solved the mystery surrounding her. He pumped his wings faster to accelerate his downward descent and landed on the ledge outside the Cave of Thirteen. Glancing at the glistening ribbon of river in the canyon below, he bowed his head and arose tall and angry. Roth Beowolf, Shapeling Protector, would not be thwarted in finding his woman.

Moonlight reflected off his golden skin and a shake of his head whipped ebony hair behind his massive shoulders. Blue eyes, lit by the fire of love, threatened to incinerate anyone standing in his way. He boldly entered the Cave of Thirteen to confront the co-Princes.

Walking past the fire torches, he approached the rulers, but felt the presence of other shapelings in the shadows. Pausing at the last torch, he knelt in respect. "May the embers of truth always glow."

"Rise Roth," commanded the Prominent Prince.

Roth stood; his countenance fierce.

"Speak Roth," the co-Princes voiced in unison.

"The woman you sent me to protect has been abducted."

"Do you believe she is still alive?" asked Prince Twelve.

"I do."

"What is it you desire from us?" Prince Eight inquired.

"The truth."

"Continue," spoke the princes in unison.

"The mother of Rainey Childress is a shapeling. Is her husband Hank Childress a former shapeling?"


Roth considered his next words. "As a Shapeling Protector, I have gained experience that brings me to the brink of Mastery. As such, my instincts have been honed for over two thousand cycles of the sun." His gaze swept the line of co-Princes.

"What is your point, Roth?" asked the Prominent Prince.

"My point is this: I know a mother's love. Although the shapeling, Stella Childress, has tried to make me believe otherwise, she cares deeply for her daughter."

"That is an accurate observation."

"And my question, Prominent Prince, is why was I chosen to protect Rainey Childress?"

"What are your feelings for her?"

"Why is that important?"

"Answer the question, Roth."

"When you first gave me this assignment, you said I had not attained mastery of being human. At the time, I disagreed. However, I have come to realize the truth of your observation. My mission to protect Rainey has allowed me to truly merge myself with humanity and overcome the prejudice that once tainted my heart. I have experienced the weakness, and I have experienced the greatness, of being human." Roth scanned the line of co-Princes, looking directly at each one before honing in on the Prominent Prince. "I love Rainey Childress. She is both my weakness and my greatness."

"Love her as a human...or as a mate?"


"What are your intentions toward her and toward your shapeling heritage?"

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