Camila's POV

After the movie Harry and I made our way to my house so I could change into something more dressy for dinner. I threw on a black flowy dress with some pumps and braided my hair into a side ponytail. Harry waited for me in the car so I hurried out, since we're already late for the dinner. "You look good." His dimples again. His smile is just.. to die for. "You don't look bad yourself." I smiled. He was in a suit but not too fancy. "Do you want to start thinking about the song?" he asked, not taking his eyes from the street. "Right now?" He nodded and I began to think about the lyrics. "Do you have paper and pen?" "Umm here's the pen and I think over there are some receipts." Gosh his smile is killing me.

I see sparks fly whenever you smile.

I quickly scribbled my thought on a receipt. I found myself smiling about the short line. "What did you come up with?" he said trying to peek. "Umm nothing!" I said feeling the heat come over my cheeks.

Harry's POV

She looks so cute while thinking. It's like she's so lost in her thoughts, she didn't even notice me staring at her.

Just close enough to touch, close enough to hope you couldn't see what I was thinking of.

We arrived at the restaurant, which was quite expensive. I wondered what my father wanted with all this. Is he going to marry this woman ? But why are Camila and her father with us? "Harry you ok?" I looked at a concearned girl looking at me as we stood in front of the restaurant. "Yeah I'm fine. Just thinking about stuff." I laughed nervously and opened the door for her.

"There you two are!" My father seemed happy. Too happy. What was all this about? I pulled out a chair for Camila, the gentleman I am and took the seat in front of her. "Why are you so happy dad?" I glanced at Amanda's finger. No ring. Mhm.. They're not getting married..what a relief. "So Alejendro and me were thinking.." Alejandro? Are they like best friends now? I looked to Camila and she was just as confused as me.

Camila's POV

"..we should do more together, since your father and me get along really well." Mr.Styles continued. Still kind of confused I just nodded and waited for my dad to explain. My dad was a mess and seeing him happy makes me happy. He never had friends back in America. It's not like he's a bad man or anything, it's just after what happened with my mother, he never really interacted with other people anymore. And now he is best friends with his boss. Weird but still.. seeing him smile is what matter.

I guess it doesn't really matter to Harry by the look of his face. He just kept poking his food not interested at all. I put out my phone and opened my messages.

Camila: Not so happy, mh?

Harry: That woman is just bothering me ;)

Camila: Is he your paps gf?

Harry: yeah

Crap. I shouldn't have asked him. He seemed so annoyed.. "Dad I'll just get some fresh air." I said standing up and excusing myself from the table.

Harry's POV

I waited for a reply, but there she ist just leaving me on the table with this three adults. buzz

sorry for leaving you, come out so we can talk (:

A smile creeped into my face. I excused myself from the table and went outside the restaurant. There was a bench right next to the door where she was sitting. The dimmed light made her look even more beautiful. I took a seat beside her which made her shriek. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." I apologized and her cheeks got red. "It's ok. Want to talk ?" she asked me, probably wanting to cheer me up and be a listener. I always talked about my problems with Louis but I never had a girl-friend to talk to. "No I'm fine." I assured her. We both looked at the moon light, which was bright as ever. A light breeze came across and  we both shivered. She rubbed her arms out of coldness. Not asking for my jacket, not like Taylor at all. Harry can you give me your jacket, I'm freezing ! Hary come here! Harry this Harry that. Taylor was so bossy and we didn't even go out yet and she was already like that! But I still fell head over heals for her. I slipped out of my jacket and put them over her shoulder. "Oh thanks." she said giving me a smile.

"Can I borrow your phone? Mine is inside." Camila asked out of nowhere. "Um sure." I handed her my phone revealing my embarassing background. Megan Fox.

Camila's POV

Oh Megan Fox mh? He's that type of guy who likes big booties and yeah.. boobs. I could care less, we're just friends anyways.. But.. nevermind. He's the son of my father's boss. That's just a bad idea! I typed some lyrics in his phone for the semester project before I could forget them.

My mind forgets to remind me you're a bad idea. You touch me once and it's really something, you find I'm even better than you imagined I would be.

"Lyrics." I said handing him his phone back. I felt kind of nervous, I usually don't even show people what I write, but I have to since he's my partner. I write my own songs, that's just like therapy for me when I'm sad, upset or emotional, but no one really new about that. I looked at him for a feedback and he just looked straight into my eyes.

Get me with those green eyes, baby as the lights go down, give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around. 'Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile.

Camila stop it before it's too late! You're falling for him... already. You don't even know him that well yet.

"You're amazing." Harry said pulling me out of my thoughts.

Oh boy. Too late.


I'm soo sorry for not updating ! Just started with university so I'm kind of busy.. I wrote parts of this chapter on my phone every morning on my ride with the train to unuversity, so I'm sorry for any mistakes ! Hope you like it, even though it's kind of boring :/

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