The Tryouts

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I am currently in some airport in the middle east.

Hope you enjoy chapter six.

Here it is.

My mum pulled up outside my wife and families Manchester villa.

She had already dropped off David and Wayne at their homes.

"What time do you plan on getting to Emirates Stadium tomorrow?" She asked.


I had forgotten all about the friendly against arsenal!

"Um... I don't know, seven maybe." I answered.

"Hey mum, do you know you is managing arsenal today?"

"No I Don't." she answered.

I got outside the car and headed towards the white building.

I went in side the villa.

My wife bouchra was leaning on the kitchen bench.

"Hi darling."


"Did i hear that you almost died?" She asked.

"Hey, I survived." I chuckled.

I moved towards the living room.

I turned on the radio.

"Damage from the London earthquake has now exceeded 570,000,000.

568 bodies have been found, and hundreds missing.

The friendly match between Arsenal and Manchester United, has been canceled, due to Damage of Emirates Stadium.

The tryouts for the spot of Antonio Valencia in Manchester United's line up, begin tomorrow.

Hot favourites for the spot are:

James Thomas, also cousin of Wayne Roony.

Stefan Neymar, cousin of brazilian great, Neymar Jr.


Andrea Mancini, son of a soccer legend, Roberto Mancini.

The tryouts are live tomorrow on channel 2.

Enjoy your night."

"Geez, thats gonna be some talent!" I exclaimed.

"I am looking forward to seeing Wayne's cousin in action." Bouchra added.

"Same." I agreed.

"In fact, He's flying in today. The helicopter is scheduled to land in three hours." I remembered.

"So I promised to be at the landing dock."


Three hours later at Manchester United's helicopter pad.


The roar of the blades pierced through the sky.

They caused birds to scatter and fly away.

The helicopter touched down in the ground and the blades slowly stopped spinning.

James got out of the helicopter, soon followed by his mum, dad and older brother.

"Hi." He said happily.

"That flight took sooo long! But that was so worth it."

Me, David and Wayne came forward and shook everyone's hand.

"You've got some serious competition!" I said.

"Neymar Jr.'s cousin, Stefan is competing. As well as a Mancini kid." David added.

"But hey, you'll smash them" I said to him.



Old Trafford: The Tryouts


"Welcome everyone!" Moyes shouted through his microphone.

"Today all 456 of you will show your talent to my staff, who will mark your effort and, of course, skill.

If you fail to co-operate with any of them, will result in automatic disqualification." Moyes continued.

"At the end of the day, the person with the highest overall mark will receive a contract worth £10,000 per game, and a certain spot in the team.

"Let the contest begin!"

They begun with footwork, weaving around defenders and showing off their roulettes and stuff like that.

Me and Wayne were sitting in the stands.

James completed the footwork and flashed us the thumbs up.

Next was penalty shootout.

Stefan Neymar was first. he fired a straight 10 passed David, who was acting as the goalkeeper.

James tried second shooting 9 into the back of the net.

The day continued on in the manner, with different areas of skill.


A couple of hours later, at the relieving ceremony.


David Moyes stepped up to the microphone.

"Ahem." He cleared his throat.

Over 1,000 eyes stared at him as he took a piece of paper out of a red and yellow envelope.

The stadium went dead quiet.

Everyone held their breath.

"The winner of the contract and spot of right winger is........."

James. James. James. James. James.

I chanted in my head.

James. James. James. James. James.

"The winner is........."

This guy could be the host of X Factor.



My head sunk into my hands.

James had not won the spot.

The croud clapped wildly

Stefan rose up and walked towards the podium that had been erected in the middle of the stadium.

He spoke into the microphone.

"As much as I would love the position, I have just received an offer from Real Madrid Football Club.

I will play for Madrid."

Moyes stared, confused, not knowing what to do now.

"We will then have to go to second place, I guess." He said.

The new winner is...


Me and Wayne jumped into the air.

James was smiling with joy.

He made his way to the podium.

People cheered for the new player, throwing Manchester United scarfs over him as he walked towards the microphone.

"Thank you, I promise I won't let you down.

I also want to thank my cousin Wayne Roony, Robin Van Persie and David Dea Gea.

Of course I want to thank my family for..."

All of a sudden, Emmett did something the world will never forget.

Thanks for reading!

I shall maybe write a little more in England, but I cant promise anything.

Until then BYE!

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