The Wrong Guy

141 11 3

Hello people out there. I am back with chapter 3

Just want to give out a couple of shout outs to :


2. Starwarsmp3

3. Anna_Is_My_Name


If you happen to be wondering why I am racing at 140 miles per hour, along the tower bridge at twilight?

The answer happens to be that I am trying to get my mother back from the notorious E, whoever that happens to be.

I race towards the tower. I'm about to brake when


NO! now! REALLY!

Two police motorbikes appear out of the darkness.


That's friendly isn't it?

I stop and get out of my car, my hands held up.

"Van Persie" an asian officer said.

"Is that really you?''

The officers became all excited.

One of them spoke into his walkie-talkie.

"Boss, I've got good news. We found him!"

The person on the other side must have been looking for me. maybe it was... E!

The officers demanded me to get on the back of a motorcycle. I obeyed them.

Soon we were well outside London.

We pulled up outside a rusty old barn.

The the officers followed me into the building.

"Boss we have got him!" One officer cried.


There was a desk in the far corner of the room and an empty chair next to it.

All of a sudden, two dark figures threw them selves onto one of the men, breaking his neck.

The asian man whipped out his gun.

"Do not shoot. We can take you down just as easy." A very familiar voice said.

David and Wayne moved towards me.


"Yep" David answered.

"If your mother hadn't called we would have no idea about E."

"You know about E?" I exclaimed.

"A little bit. your mum wasn't so informed"

"So we killed E for you" Wayne said gesturing towards the empty chair.

"E? What are you talking about?" the Asian officer said.

I had forgotten all about him!

"Sherif just wanted Van Persie for an advertisement!"

"So we just killed an innocent person?"

Said Wayne horrified.

"I have to arrest you for man slaughter." The officer pronounced.

Wayne thought about it before moving towards the officer.

"Well in that case... NÎ HÂO BITCH!"

Wayne elbowed the man in the nose. blood spurted from the man's nose, as David whipped the gun from the officers hand and shot the him with it.

"Wow. That was very different from Call Of Duty."David exclaimed.

Now, lets get out of here before we meet any more police bastards.

I ran out of the barn, followed by the other two.


In a little motel


A body of a local sherif has been found in a lake, just south of London.

Authorities suspect a strangling was the cause of death.

Police have been warned about a mad serial killer.

Further reports on a li...

I turned of the T.V.

"I feel so guilty." I told David.

"Don't" David replied.

"Tell us about E." Wayne said from the kitchen.

Then I told them everything.

The first text.

The shock he gave me.

The murder of Graham.

How he wiped my mind.

The dream.

How I was going to the tower of London.

Absolutely everything!

Suddenly my iPhone buzzed.

The other two stared at me. I slowly picked it up.

It wasn't from E, it was from ARSENAL!

The e-mail read:

From: Arsenal Football Club

To Robin Van Persie,

please consider a move from Manchester United to Arsenal.

The offer:

Transfer fee: £32,000,000

Payment per game: £120,000

GT: 5%

Please consider the offer made.

Yours sincerely,

Arsenal Football Club.

Arsène Wenger

Manager of Arsenal Football Club

I showed the e-mail to Wayne and David, who bursted out with laughter.

"The team who kicked you out, wants you back?!" David chuckled.

"£32,000,000! To pull you from a team with all your friends!"

"I guess the payment per game was pretty good." David admitted.

"But for me?" I asked.

"No! You can not be thinking about taking it up!" Wayne gaped at me.

"Actually I am going to take it." I said

David and Wayne stared at me, mouths wide open.

"I am JOKING!" I laughed.

"You should have seen your faces!" I chuckled.

The three of us laughed away into the night.

Arsenal's RevengeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz