Robin's Shock

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my name is JimsAwesome or just Jim and this is my first story. I only figured out about wattpad yesterday after my sister (Anna_is_my_name) showed me.

so anyways, hope you enjoy this story in the POV of Robin Van Persie.

Carrick passes to Roony who back heels towards Antonio Valencia.


Everything goes into slow motion as me and Valencia try to pull off our well-practised signature move

Valencia on the left wing sprinting.

Looks up, spots me sprinting in to the goal box

come on come on.

Valencia kicks perfectly.

Cross flying.

I jump.

Foot above my head.



Land perfectly.

Flys past the keeper.



The stands erupt, shouting and cheering my name.




Man sometimes it feels good to be the worlds greatest striker.

Soon the goal is followed by another.

And another!

God, they love me now, seriously, who wouldn't love me.

Scoring hat-tricks for manchester united?

Well maybe arsenal fans, but beside those, who?


30 minutes later at an

After party


"Hey robin" yelled Valencia.

"Ya coming bowling with us?"

"Nah I'm hanging back with Wayne and David." I replied.

Valencia smirked.

"Does little David need a friend around to keep clean sheets for him?"

Valencia mocked.

David Dea Gea, our goal keeper, hasn't

kept a clean sheet for the past six games.

"Do you need to hang around your striker friends? They are the only reason we win. without them, we, I mean YOU, would be dead." Valencia continued.

Don't get me wrong, Valencia is a very nice guy, but after a few too many, he gets a bit out of control

''but seeing you let through TWO goals today, maybe your parent will disown you."

"Antonio" warned Wayne

''Oh right. What are you saying. Oh they did. you poor little thing!''

David stood up with so much force it caused the table to go spinning along the ground.

"Hold your tongue, blackhead"

The room went so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

A few people's mouths drop open

Valencia rounded on david, a fire in his eyes.

David stared straight back at Antonio.

Thud thud thud.

every one stops.

The door swung open and in walked David Moyes, our manager.

and let me tell you one thing, he did NOT look happy

"Mr. Dea Gea, may I speak to you please."

Moyes said.

David gulped, looked at us and followed Moyes out of the room.


20 minutes later


Valencia was already over the incident.

He was busy drinking two stubbies at the same time over at his car.

I guess it was David's fault in a way, imean he knew Valencia didn't mean it, and besides he was drunk as a...

Something else caught my attention

David was coming back through the side door.

Straight away I could see something was seriously wrong. He was white as a ghost and shaking horribly

Wayne and I rushed towards him.

"What the hell happened to you!!!" Wayne yelled.

David flicked his head towards the door. Wayne and I followed him out into the night.

"Speak" I told David.

"My mother was found in her apartment dead. The police searched her room and found a knife with her blood on it. she was murded, and brutally too."

Wayne and I exchanged glances.

"Apparently she wasasked quesstions about a...a person."

"Did they say who?"

David looked away.

"You, Robin."

An ice cold feeling slowly crept over me.

"She refused to answer him and he searched her and then found a I.D card, killed her and left."

"At least that is what the police said based on 'confidential' signs and by what my stupid father said. The arsehole!"

I opened my mouth to comfort him, right then my iPhone buzzed. I read the text and my blood froze.

From: unknown

Wow, it is amazing how accurate the police are.

so sorry for your friends mom.

I meant to get YOUR stupid mother.

I was trying to hold a hostage but unfortunately The shit website gave me the wrong info.

But nothing is going to stop me getting to you RVP.

And i don't care how much people i kill on the way there.



Hope you enjoyed the first


Plz vote and comment and

whatever else you can do. because,like i said, i'm new.

I shall have chapter 2 ready soon


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