"Because you didn't want to be alone anymore and we didn't want to leave you for another second.

We didn't want you hurting yourself anymore than you already have" he states.

"We? Are you an angel?"

I heard a heart warming laugh "far from that my queen"


He was silent for a minute.

"What? everyone uses princess and I'm not aloud to call you queen. Please people haven't got shit on me" His sudden out burst made me laugh, something I haven't done in a long time.

"Why can't I see you?"

"Would you like to?"

I thought for a moment.

"Your not some scary ghost are you? O-o-or some ugly drippily demon that's came here to take me away, not that I care anywheres better then here" I whispered the last bit but something in me told me he heard.

"Although each of what you just asked about are real, I can assure you that I am none of the above" he laughed.

"Will you show yourself to me?"

"No" he said flatly making me giggle.


"Because your ready to hear but not to see"

"Must you always speak in riddles?" I signed.

"I'm sorry my love but it is the way I learnt to speak, but fear not I'm not always well spoken" he chuckled.

"When are you not well spoken?"

"To everyone else...but y-"

"But me" I stated.



"You-your ummm. You are just well known by my kind"

"Like a legend?"

"Like a legend" I heard a smile on his face.

"So answer me this, how old are you?" He asked.

"I'm eight" I signed.

"Your eight, holy shit. Oh I mean crap well I messed that up didn't I?" He chucked when I laughed.

"Why do you sound surprised?"

"Because your eight years old and hurting yourself in such ways no eight year olds should know yet"

"How old are you?"

"Eleven" he states.

"You sound older"

"I was raised to acted older" he states.

"Why did you come here? To me. I'm sure there are others that need your help so why me?"

"Your special phoebe-lee and although there are others I could help, I came here for a reason"

"What's that then?"

"Because you called for me" he states.

"H-how did I do that?"

"In a way you can never imagine...yet"

"Will you ever leave me?"

"Yes" he said and I swear I felt like crying.

"But not completely, I will still watch you and will be able to see you. I will come when you call and soon I'll bring the other two" he said.

"These more?"

"These thousands more but only three have been assignment to you"

"Well why three?"

"Because your different from everyone else you get the privilege of three of the best" he says proudly.

"That's good to know" I yearned still unsure as to what he was speaking about.

"I must go now"


"No please don't, i-I like having you here"

"I have gone over the time I was meant to be here for"

"Will you be in trouble"

"Nothing I can't handle my love" I can just see his smirk.

"Please before you go, please tell me your name"

I felt something kiss my forehead before he said "Devon"

Then he was gone.

I sighed.

I'm alone again, but it was as if something inside me was telling me that he was close.

I wrapped my arm in a badge once I realised blood was dripping from it.

Just as I got into bed and shut my eyes I heard.

'Out of all the wolves that are surviving, you are the only one who keeps us alive. Be the wolf'

I smiled and just before I feel asleep the final whisper was heard.


Then darkness took over.

But little did I know that after that one visit, my life was going to change.



So this did not really need changing, I just needed to edit.

However, I know that as I go through the book some things will need to be changed.

I will be doing that, just to let you know.

I hope you like this book more now it's being edited.

Once edited this will be it's first and final draft, it will then stay as it is after I've finished.

Now let's hope we can get at least 1M soon.

I can't even express how much I'd cry.

Any who. Enjoy the rest of the edited book.
Yay!! First chapter and I'm already excited for this book.

I have a good feeling about what it.

Oh yeah let's hash tag this shit!! #bethewolf.

It's out new quote guys! And out new thing.


Something tell my wolf and I that we will all love it as much as we lives 'I see you' and that's saying something because we covered hoe much we loved that book.

So because it new some rules apply guys.

Spread the word that white-wolf-girl has a new book out.

Tell your friend to tell their friend to tell their friend and so it will go on.

And buckle up my shifters because 'it started with a whisper' is about to begin and I have a feeling it's going to be a very bumpy ride.






It started with a whisper (COMPLETED) #thewattys2020Where stories live. Discover now