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Words:- 1382.

Song-the calling wherever you will go.

Phoebe-lee's P.O.V

I remember it as if it was yesterday.

My family was a very high ranked and a very well known family.

But then here comes their dirty little secret.


I wasn't planned.

I wasn't wanted.

I'm still not wanted till this day.

My parents hurt me, almost every day now.

My sister hates me and joins in with my parents.

I think the only ones that are nice to me are my brothers, although no one knows about us being related Ethan and Aden always stick up for me.

They sneak into my room once the beatings stop and everyone is in bed and they hold me whilst I cry.

I love them.

More then I have ever loved anyone, I just sometimes wish that they would pay more attention to me and act less ashamed.

They might not be ashamed of me, however I feel like they are.

I stood In front of my mirror, staring at the now broken girl inside.

I wish I was different.

I wish I wasn't so alone.

The only thing I could think of to stop the pain, was pain itself.

I brought the blade to my arms and slowly slide it across.

I closed my eyes and let the pain take over.

"I just want to die" I whispered as I felt tears build.

"I don't want to be alone anymore!" I screamed out.

I suddenly felt a gust of wind and my doors of my balcony slams open.

I dropped the blade and turned to the doors in shock and fright.

It was pitch black outside as the wind caused my curtains to blow in a way like they were pointing to me.

It was beautiful to see the stars and moon shine through the curtain, it's moments like this that I wish I could live forever in THAT moment.

Then the lights went out!

Fuck! I'm scared of the dark.

'A hungry wolf at all the herd will run, in hope, through all, to make sure of one' I heard a voice whisper, almost as if it was in my ear.

However, the strangest part is.

I didn't feel alone anymore, I felt...wanted, strong. loved.

"And who was the one!" I asked turning to where I thought the voice came from.

"Only the story can make its choice" the voice-which I now know is male-said.

"What does that mean?" I sat down, oddly feeling calm at the fact I'm talking to someone who can not be seen.

"This moment, every moment you live is a different chapter of a story...your story" he sounded like he was next to me.

"Do I know you?"

"Not as well as I'd want you to"

That comment made my heart beat pick up.

"Why are you here?"

It started with a whisper (COMPLETED) #thewattys2020Where stories live. Discover now