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Norway POV
Time to adopt a child from the adoption center!
>AT THE USxUK ADOPTION CENTER run by your fabulous author-chan Iggy and fatty Merican<
(America: I AM NOT FAT *stuffs faces with brownies*
Me: you're forever going to
Be fat if u don't stop eating my brownies!
England: she's right son!
America: when did she come my mother?
England: ....when I was a pirate "things happened")

Denmark POV
Ohh I am really nervous I can't wait to see my baby girl or boy Norge walks in and I do too. "Little sister Aurinna!" Norge shouts."Onii-Chan!"Aurinna say glomping her brother in a hug."What are you here for Onii-Chan?" Aurinna asks with a twinkle in her eyes. "Well the Great Dane and I are here to adopt a baby" he says in a monotone voice smiling. "Great I have only 3 boys and 1 baby girl" she says leading her into a nursery of babies. "Ummm Norge are you sure you want to get a child?" I ask worriedly. "Stop freaking out!" Norge says pulling my tie. Aurinna brings us a tiny baby in a pink blanket. "This is little katio she was abandoned at me and iggy's doorstep so I brought her here." Aurinna says whispering. "She's perfect" Norge says hold her close. "Alright then onii-chan you can take her please take good care of her she's a small nation that I hope will become bigger." Aurinna said smiling. " Okay thank you!" I say leading Norge and little katio into the car.

Norway's POV
I finally have my baby girl and I can start my family with Denmark "This is going to be a good life" I say smiling looking at little katio in her winter wonderland themed car seat.

New family Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt