"Hey," he greets me, his lips extending into a smile, baring his crystal-white teeth. Not understanding or even trying to control my actions, I feel my hand rise up and my palm connecting with the soft skin on his cheek in a loud slap. 

Some people turned around, staring at us, making this even more awkward. Adrenaline rushes through my body, making blood inside me boil. I stare at Daniel angrily, while he rubs his reddened cheek with his fingers. 

"What the fuck?" He asks, nearly yelling me at the top of his lungs. I hear confusion leading his voice, making me even more angry and a bit perplexed. 

"What the fuck?" I yell at him, trying to sound loud and strong. "What the fuck is everything you say?"

"Yes," he replies, staring at me in complete confusion, "because I am freaking confused." 

"Confused of what?" I ask, spitting out the words bitterly out of my mouth. I don't want to sound weak - I have to be strong here, it's my turn to return the revenge. 

"Confused of everything," he responds loudly, taking a smaller step back, away from me. "What the fuck is happening?" 

"Fine," I exhale, trying to control my emotions, which are building inside me. "If you are going to play stupid, let's go to that cafe." 

"Why would I go with you, you've just slapped me and now, you are making me follow you into a random cafe." 

"Deal with it, it's not like you can't defend yourself." 

"Whatever," Daniel says, the tone of his voice still confused and very suspicious. I walk to that cafe, leading the way, while Daniel unwillingly follows me. We get inside and surprisingly, it turns out to be pretty empty. I go up to the counter and ask the barista for a cappuccino. Daniel orders an americano. 

After getting our drinks in silence, we sit at the farthest and the most isolated table in the whole cafe, just so nobody will hear us. Sitting down, I make sure that the pepper spray in my handbag is reachable, just in case something might happen. I also throw quick glances at the counter, making sure the barista is insight and can see us. 

Sipping on my cappuccino, I decide to break the awkward silence, "Why did you send me the notes and the packages?" 

"I have no literal idea what you are talking about." Daniel puts his cup down on the table, not realising he spilt a bit on the wooden surface.

"You absolutely know, what you are talking about," I accuse, hissing every single word through my teeth, as if I am a snake, even though snakes hiss calmly, my hissing is a sign of aggressiveness. The tension at our table starts rising, as soon as I catch Daniel looking around, trying to avoid eye contact. 

"No," he replies, taking his gaze away from the desserts counter. "I have no idea what you are talking about. If you asked me to come here to start accusing me, your ex-best friend, of something I haven't done, you better tell me to leave - I have absolutely no idea why you are accusing me." 

I exhale slowly, trying to maintain my calmness in a steady position, as well as keeping the anger at bay, no matter how hard I want to burst out and just start yelling at him. Taking a deep breath, I tell him. 

"You are the person, that is stalking me. You are the one, that has been sending me random notes about how I feel about Marcus' death and trying to harass me in every way possible. You sent those guys into Martin's hotel suite to break everything in there. You also poisoned my drink, when we were in Las Vegas." 

"What the..." Daniel stares at me in confusion, real confusion. I can see somewhere inside him, behind his intensely blue eyes, that he is truly confused. If he is confused, he doesn't understand what I am talking about, meaning that he is not the stalker. 

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