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I still didn't have the answer when Gabby returned with two steaming plates. With a shy smile, she offered me one then sat on the bed beside me. We ate in silence. It wasn't easy to stay focused on the food. The lingering feel of her lips on mine, her hands on my shoulders, consumed me.

Her comment about finding my lips rang in my head, too. Could that be her obsession with trimming my beard? Did she want to see my skin so she knew where to bite? A tremor shot through me, and I hurried to eat. I needed to shave.

Before I finished, I heard Rachel leave. Good.

Gabby took our plates and left the room. While she washed dishes, I slipped into the bathroom with scissors and a razor.

I trimmed back the whiskers from around my mouth and shaved everything from my neck. A shudder of anticipation rippled over me as I stared at the exposed skin in the mirror. Now, I was ready for her to bite me and Claim me as her own.

After a quick shower, during which I heard her pause often outside the door, I dressed and tried to calm myself. Would she Claim me right away? My gut clenched at the thought, then reason kicked in. Probably not. She wouldn't rush into it. But, she might kiss me some more.

With that thought in my head, I reached for the doorknob but a knock on the front door stopped me from stepping out. I turned back toward the mirror and scowled at myself. Why now? I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. Unsure if Gabby wanted me to make my presence known, I waited and listened as she went to answer the door.

At Gabby's faint words, I curled my hands into fists.

"Morning, Sam. This is a surprise."

I wanted to curse and hit something. Sam showing up was not a good sign.

"Um, don't get me wrong, I like seeing you, but is there a reason you're here?"

The impatience in Gabby's voice helped calm me. She wanted to see me because she knew I'd shaved. For her.

"We'll wait for Clay," Sam said.

With a deep breath, I reached for the door.

Gabby turned to look at me as I padded into the living room. Excitement made her eyes shine. I wanted to go straight to her, wrap my arms around her, and let her inspect me for as long as she'd like. Too bad Sam stood by the door watching us.

Still, I focused on Gabby as she focused on me. Her gaze took in my clothes then zeroed in on my face, and, lastly, my exposed neck. There, she lingered. My pulse jumped. Could she see what she did to me with just a glance?

Finally, she met my gaze again and smiled. Behind her, Sam shifted, drawing my attention.

"You know why I'm here, Clay."

Gabby glanced at Sam, a trace of annoyance coloring her expression.

No doubt, he was here because of the challenges. Did he honestly think I would step aside so easily?

"I'm told you didn't take the news well."

I shrugged and crossed my arms. I thought I took the news that other men would be coming after my woman with a fair amount of grace.

Gabby caught my shrug and frowned.

"What's going on? What news?" she said, glancing between Sam and me.

"You didn't tell her?" Sam said.


"He's not talking to me, yet," Gabby said.

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