Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"I won't, you will kill him. I will not call for him."

"It's not your maker I want to kill, it is his. Now call for him."

"I can help you catch Winston, you don't need Jeremiah."

"I need to be stronger before I can give Winston the punishment that I have planned for him. If you won't comply, I will have to make you."

Chester shook his head in defiance, "No."

"Have it your way then little pure hearted one. You are going to experience what it feels to be burnt from the inside out."

Chester stared right in to her eyes as she began to chant in a language that he did not understand. Minutes passed and as nothing happened Chester laughed to himself, however he stopped laughing the second her babbling ended because this is when his pain began.

A deep intense burning formed in the pit of his stomach which slowly spread over his chest and down his arms to his fingertips. His breathing quickened as the sensation spread throughout his body, he felt as if he was sitting in front of a large open fire on a hot summer's day.

"I assume, from your mockery, you did not think that I had the power to burn your body from the inside? I am not quite sure if you will explode or implode though. I will just have to watch, wait and see."

He gritted his teeth and dug his nails into the ground to try and stop his self from screaming but the burning sensation became too intense and Mae was right, he did feel like he was burning from the inside out.

His eyes which were now jet black caught Mae's and he snarled as she smiled at him.

"The pain will only intensify Chester. Call for him, before it is too late."

Chester clenched his teeth and closed his eyes, he did not want to betray his maker but he did not want to die either; not just yet. He had to make amends with his former girlfriend, the love of his life, from when he was human before he did.

Mae smiled to herself, if she was honest she knew she had not a single chance of capturing Jeremiah alone. That is the reason why she had healed Jason. It was also the reason why she had led Jason to Chester; she knew he was alone. She also knew Chester was not ready to die and he would help her whether he wanted to or not.

He couldn't stop himself; the burning sensation was becoming unbearable. Chester lifted back his head and screamed into the night air, "Jeremiah, Jeremiah, Jeremiah."


Abbot Carter was relaxing in his living room waiting for Suzie to arrive and he jumped up in glee when his doorbell rang. However, he was immediately annoyed when he saw her standing in-between Jeremiah and Isaac.

The two vampires he hated the most even though they shared a blood bond.

"Hi nutter." Jeremiah chimed towards Abbot in a deliberate attempt to irritate him.

Abbot narrowed his eyes at his uninvited guests.

"What are you doing here Fletcher, every time I see your face I know trouble is just around the corner." Then he smiled as he eyed the welt running down his face.

"I'd like to congratulate whoever did that to your face."

Jeremiah huffed in response and attempted to enter the house but Abbot blocked his path.

"I ordered her," he snapped as he pointed at Suzie, "not you, so scram and take your idiotic brother with you."

It was hard to believe they had all once been firm friends but that friendship had ended a long time ago. Their friendship began the day Winston turned Jeremiah and his family and they partied together for centuries but the party came to an abrupt end when Abbott found Jeremiah in bed with his sister.

Becoming Wolf - Sequel to 'Staying Human'Where stories live. Discover now