I. Baby Isa [Ziam]

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Zayn s sighed as he kissed the top of his little girl's head. Her brown hair falling into her face slightly as she cried out and reached for him again, it broke his heart to see her crying about anything much less because he had to get onstage and she couldn't come onstage with him! Liam glanced over and sighed affectionately at the broken hearted look on his face as they looked at their daughter Isa.

"Zayn baby she'll be fine while we are on stage she does this every night we go onstage, mm You are such a sucker for her" Liam teased as he tugged on one of Zayn's belt loops. Zayn whined slightly as he was tugged away from the suddenly screaming one and a half year old toddler. He blew her another kiss and that seemed to help a little to settle the girl.

"So are you! You are the one when she walked by the pet store the other day and pointed to a kitten and started crying you bought it!" Zayn attempted to defend himself and Liam laughed raising his hands.

"I didn't say I wasn't, I just said you were," He hummed in amusement pressing his lips gently against the older boy's lips in a light loving kiss. Zayn hummed into the kiss before slowly pulling away when their security guard called for them to get on stage.

The boys started their concert like any other jumping around and dancing on stage. Their little Green eyed baby girl standing at the side with her nanny and watching the boys preformed. Her eyes were big with trouble and they matched Zayn's. She got most of her horrible trouble making ideas from the elder boy in the relationship. They both knew that but neither of them cared because she was cute and it allowed her to get away with a lot.

"So you all should feel very lucky!" Liam shouted into the mic. and received screams in return.

"You have no idea how hard it is to peel Zayn away from his daughter just to get him out here!" He shouted grinning as Zayn pouted pointing to the guys in the back.

"Can you blame me? She's the cutest thing! Not to mention You bought her a kitten yesterday Mister Liam," Zayn said playfully as the projector guys beamed a picture up of Zayn and Liam's baby girl on the screen and all the fans cooed and let out the most adorable noises and it was probably the quietest The fans had ever been!

"No I can't blame you, though I wouldn't suggesting looking to the side of the stage unless you want your heart ripped out of your chest," Harry spoke up glancing to the side of the stage where little Isa was standing her arms out stretched and her pacifier in her mouth making grabby hands at the boys on stage. Zayn let out a small awe before nodding to the nanny to let the little girl go.

It took the little girl a few minutes but as soon as her little waist was released she tumbled her way out onto the stage the special sound head phones on her ears so that she didn't damage her hearing. She only stopped once she reached Zayn's leg wrapping her small arms around it mumbling 'papa' from around her pacifier.

"Papa's right here silly girl," Zayn leaned down and picked her up setting her down his hip and smiled as she glanced over his shoulder at Liam who was undoubtedly making strange faces at their daughter behind his back.

"Dada?" She questioned as she laid her head slowly against Zayn's shoulder and Zayn just nodded kissing her forehead lightly

"What do you say we do something special tonight and do one song with little miss Isa Malik on stage with us," Louis suggested and Liam looked a little concerned about her being on stage with them but she stuck her bottom lip out when Zayn went to set her down so Zayn turned to Liam and pouted his bottom lip out like his daughter just had knowing that Liam couldn't say no to him.

"Alright one song! Watch your feet and don't bump into any o..." he was cut off by Harry who laughed into the mic.

"Relax Daddy Liam; we know we'll be careful." Harry hummed gently as the song began, the song was One Thing. The little girl's favorite song off the boy's album, when her papa (Zayn) began to sing she was handed off to Liam. Liam smiled as he twirled around with his little girl in his arms bouncing her in his arms slightly only to have her stolen by Niall out of his arms.

Niall twirled her around and pretended to be ball dancing with the little girl in his arms who was a complete fit of giggles. Harry broke in and stole the little girl from Niall and began to spin her around and then moved to the front where the fans were and bent down showing the little girl some of the fans. It spooked her a bit and she reached up for Harry letting out small panicked noises. He picked her back up only to have her stolen By Louis who was a little to active and loud for the little girl who started to cry as Louis kept getting too close to the crowd.

"Papa!" She cried it was barely audible over the music that was playing but Zayn herd it. He walked over slowly handing Liam his mic. before taking their little girl into his arms. He excused himself from the stage for a moment and carried Little Isa back to her Nanny. She started to cry harder when he attempted to hand her back.

"Baby, Papa will be done real soon ok? You can stay here and watch him ok? I promise you can come visit us again soon on stage," He smiled gently and the little girl sniffled and pressed her face into his chest and sniffling. He spent a few more minutes comforting her before handing her back to her nanny.

"Papa, come back soon?" She asked softly around her pacifier, Zayn smiled and leaned in kissing her cheek lightly.

"Yes Papa come back soon, Behave for your nanny and I'll be back really soon," He smiled running his hand over her little cheek. "Papa loves you Isa," He cooed.

"Isa love Papa an' Dada" She cooed in reply, Zayn couldn't help the stupid grin on his face as he danced back out to the stage.

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