Chapter 2

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Steven POV

I dashed through the small town known as beach city. It was a nice sunny day.. A normal day to a normal person..

Mr Dewy was shouting how everyone should vote for him.. Onion was being his weird self by destroying a bag of chips... Lars stood outside the big donut with his head phones in while Sadie yelled at him..
I want to be apart of this world.. Have a normal life! With a normal mom and an alive dad! I want to have normal friends! Not gem fighting aliens who bicker all the time! Im trapped.. Trapped.

I arrived at Connies apartment duplex. I looked up at the door through teary eyes, Garnet and the gems are probably looking for.. Or maybe not.. I honestly don't care if they care..

I knocked an official rhythm. I waited at the door so I can have an answer. Leaving me with my thoughts I thought about my dad.

His charming smile.. The way he always cared and protect me.. I wasn't an alien to him.. I was his kid.. His love.. I was his Steven..

Tears streamed down my already red face. My puffy eyes hurt and my hoarse was raw from the sobs. I just want him back.. He made everything better..

Connies Mother,Priyanka Masheswaran, was the one who answer the door.

She first gave me the disappointed glare. Since she wasn't looking at my face. I lifted my head to meet her eyes. Her eyes immediately soften.

"Oh.. Steven. Come mere' come in.." She said softly and mother like. As if I was her two year old running to her as my mom with a cut knee.

I nodded and she lead my into the house with a motherly touch on my back for support.

She sat me on the couch. "I'll be right back.. Let me get you some Ice tea. Oh do you like Ice Tea?.. Oh.. I'll just get you some to try.. Than a nice toasted bagel.. That sounds good Hun?.."

The motherly affection was foreign to me. I never had a mother.. And since Dad died the gems Hardly pay attention to me. Unless I showed I was sad. But I kind of stop showing emotions.

However today.. Everything crumbled. My wall crumbled.. And all these feeling got to me. I felt physically sick.

I just nodded weakly.

"Alright.. Connie.. Come down here.." She yelled softly for my sake. She than walk off to the kitchen. I laid my head on her soft silky couch pillow.

I heard the soft gentle creaks patterns of a child's feet walking softly on the stair case.

From my side ways positions I could see a light blue skirt. Blinking a few times, I looked up to see Connie's Face.

Concern played in her eyes. "Steven, what happen?.. What's going on, talk to me.." She said sweetly.

I sat up. Connie sat next to me.

"Connie... I'm a monster. I killed my Dad, I killed my mom. The Amethyst and Pearl are fighting because of me.. Garnet isn't even around and shes been loosing control more often lately. I made all this stuff happen.. If I was never born this wouldn't have ever happen! Non of these missions would've been mess up!.." I cried so hard I held onto Connie skirt for support. She rubbed my back soothingly, waiting for me to finish.

"Connie.. I'm a monster, I'm the mess up, I'm the troubled I'm the Problem! I'm the Problem! Rose Quartz should be here! Not me!" I yelled and cried. Connies Mother stood in the door frame of the living room listening.. Seeming like she didn't want to interrupt the moment.

"Steven, look at me." Connie grabbed me by the chin gently and lightly forced me to look at her.
"Your not the Problem, trouble, mess up, or monster. Steven, your perfect.. The gems aren't being the way they are because of you-"

"Yes! They are! My mom isn't here! They need her.. I'm too weak! I'm a drag on-" Connie cut me off like I did her.

"Steven, let me talk." She said sternly yet motherly. "Your not weak Steven. The gems are just on end because of Yellow diamonds, Blue Diamonds, and Peridot and Jaspers treats. Steven.. They think your strong.. They can't read minds and you saying your alright will make them believe your alright because there focus is on other things. Steven.. Your strong.. Your so strong and special. I could Never, Ever, think of a world without Steven Universe.." Mother Connie finished with a gingerly voice.

She whipped my tears away. I could only look at her speechless. While everything around me was crashing down.. Just when I thought my walls were crumbling.. She built them back up brick by brick. She made me feel better when no one else did. Not even the gems..

She made me feel different. Like an actual human being, she helped me get through gem stuff and human stuff. Why does she make me blush and feel happy?.. I though monsters don't deserve happiness.. They deserve to be locked up, but she refuses to let them lock me up.

Does Connie Care about me?..
Do I Care about Connie?..

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