Meeting again?

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When we finally pulled away, Tyler smiled, "See?" "What the fucking hell is wrong with you?!" Samuel was screaming at Tyler...again. "Sammy, chill." "Don't call me that, you fucking bitch!" Everyone stared at him shocked, "Stop the car." Tyler looked at me worried, but he said nothing. Cam pulled the car over, "What's going on?" Cam had turned around to look at everyone. I opened my door and got out. I started walking towards the woods, away from the car. Samuel followed me and tried to stop me, but I kept going. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to face him, stopping me. "Where do you think you're going?" 'Big mistake!' I wanted to scream at him, but I couldn't say anything. I backhanded him across his jaw. There was a loud *crack* when my hand connected with his jaw. Tyler and Cam ran into the clearing, where Samuel and I were. Samuel was holding his jaw and spitting blood. Tyler walked over to me and hugged me, leading me away from them whispering, "We really need to talk. I shouldn't have let him follow you, I'm so sorry." I sighed, "Just keep him away from me...please?" Tyler nodded and I had to start leaning on him for support, "Do you feel weak?" He was still whispering, " know why, don't you?" "I promise I will answer all of your questions and tell you everything, when we can talk." We were at the car when we both took off running. There was a loud scream and we made it to the clearing within seconds. I saw the four guys who'd been at the house earlier. One of them had Samuel pinned down, slicing him across the chest with a silver scythe. Two of them were hold Gabriel's arms. The last one was standing behind him, ready to break Gabriel's...wings. Tyler pushed me back, into a shaded part, "Don't move. No matter what." He hissed in my ear. He walked slowly into the clearing and took everything in, pretending he just now saw them, "Where is the girl?" The one wig must have been the leader, spoke. "I left her with these idiots. I guess you can't track the Devil's only daughter, can you?" Tyler laughed harshly. "I think you're lying." "Am I?" Tyler sounded sure of himself. The one behind Gabriel moved so that he was face-to-face with Tyler, who went flying back. He his a tree close to me and it made a loud *crack* and fell down. 'Damn!' Tyler stood up and walked back to the leader, "I think you need--" Some one grabbed me and I screamed, giving away where I was hiding, "Shut up and follow me." Luckily, Jake had been smart enough to cover my mouth before I could scream.


Ok, so if you don't know what's going on, go back and re read what you've read! love y'all!

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