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"Who the hell is my father?!" 'Ok, now I'm pissed.' Tyler flinched again when I said hell. Samuel rolled his eyes, "Did you not catch Cameron's mistake earlier?" I suddenly realized what Cameron had been talking about, "What?!" The grip on my arms tightened, holding me back, "Calm down, Princess. No reason to get upset--" I laughed harshly, interrupting him, "Who are you calling Princess?" The guy holding me, who was apparently Jake, snickered. "You're the Devil's daughter and his only child, which makes you heir to the throne. Your parents both want you and your daddy's not giving up...without a fight anyway." "If my dad's the Devil, who's my mother?" Everyone was silent, expecting Samuel to answer. Tyler was watching my reactions, so I made sure to hide them, as he spoke, "She's a very powerful...angle. One of the best fighters actually." "Then why would she love the father?" Jake's grip loosened and I walked over to Tyler, arms crossed over my chest, "I don't know. Samuel put a hand on y shoulder and I winced as I shrugged it off, "Now, now. Don't be like that. You're my sister, if you've forgotten." "I don't see the resemblance." I didn't turn around because it was another stranger, I turned around because it was a voice I recognized. It was the guy from my dreams.


Yay! Another chapter up for y'all!
I'm gonna go out up my next chapter! Love y'all! Sorry it's sooooooo short though :/ I promise to make them longer.

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