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Ok. This one's short. I'm sorry! ok go read. Enjoy! ok love y'all!


"What's wrong?" Tyler was looking at me concerned. "Do you remember?" the guy's voice flooded my mind as I stared at him. He looked hopeful and a little excited, "No...I--" The guy was holding my face in his hands, searching for a sign that I remembered him, "Of course you don't." His voice was hallow and his face had fallen, "You never do. Your father won't allow it." He dropped his hands and walked to the other side of the room. I don't know why, but I wanted to comfort him. I stumbled backwards and Tyler caught me.


"Gabriel, wait!" I was laughing as I chased the guy around a clearing in the woods. "You'll have to catch me, if you want me to wait!" He laughed and ran swiftly. I sat on the ground with a fake pout on my face, "Oh, come on. Don't be sad, I was merely playing with you." He walked over and knelt in front of me. I stood up quickly and tapped his shoulder, "I win!" I laughed quietly as he stood up, laughing as well, "Very neat trick, Princess." He winked and laughed again, "I have one of my own." He hugged me tightly to his chest and bent his head down. He gently kissed me *

Everyone was staring at me. Tyler was holding me tightly. I looked at the guy from my dream. "Gabriel?" he nodded and smiled, "Yes." He stepped forward, but I shook my head, "Don't bother. I might remember, but I don't feel anything towards you." His face fell once again, "I know you don't now, but if you remember what you just saw, you'll remember your feelings." I don't know ho I knew, but I looked at Tyler, "Someone's coming." "Who?" He looked alarmed, "I don't know but my father sent them."


Sorry! I know it's short. I'll try to write longer chapters. Love y'all!

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