Meeting the family

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This chapter's kinda long. Sorry for any grammar mistakes, I'm trying to update it fast for you, Jessie and Gladis.

It's kinda boring but important. You'll see why eventually ;) love ya guys


We walk in the front door, and Tyler gently but firmly tries to push me out of the way. Something, or someone rather, runs at me and slams me against the wall. A groan escapes my lips as a result og the impact.

"Another one, brother? When are you going--"

"Cute," Tyler's voice shows no amusement and is really short.

"Let her go."

"Cam, what's...what the hell?!"

Screetches the girl who'd just walked down stairs and is wearing only a long, white tee shirt.

"Jess, babe, this isn't why it looks like!"

Cameron let me go, and Tyler caught me as I fall forward. "Jess, this is my friend, Alex."

       Jess's features soften, and she allows Cam to hug her. They both leave, going upstairs. Tyler leads me upstairs, walking to the end of the huge hallway. The whole house is huge. "I forgot Jess was here, not that it really matters weather there's a guest room or not to her. Anyway, you can sleep in my room, and I'll sleep on the floor, if you want."

He places my bag on his bed and walks back over to the door.

"I'm gonna go get some blankets and a pillow. When I'm back I'll knock four times, twice in a row. Don't open the door unless I knock, okay?"

I nod, confused as to why, but I don't push it.

"And go ahead and change." He says, smirking, and he closes the door behind him, after locking it.


I think. I shrug it off and open my bag, pulling out a black tank top and shortish black shorts. There was a loud knock on the door and I walk over. I stop when my hand reached the door nob, remembering Tyler's warning.

                 I sit up, as I'm startled awake. Eight sharp knocks on the door.

I get up and open it,

"Why didn't you answer the first time?"

Tyler's face floods with relief when he sees me. "Oh, I um...fell asleep, I think. Sorry..." I trail off, taking a pillow and a blanket from him to help.

"Oh, I wouldn't have kept knocking if I'd known you were..."

"It's fine, Ty."

I sit on his bed, and set down the blanket and the pillow.

              I groan and bend over. "What's wrong?"

He asks and places a hand on my back, rubbing gently, as I hold my head in my hands. I shake my head and stabd up, running out of the room.

   He followes my into the bathroom and holds my hair as I throw up, shaking violently. Cam walks into the bathroom. "What's going...oh shit."

"Get out, Cam."

Tyler's voice is calm but stern. I sit on the floor, hugging my knees to my chest, while I'm still shaking violently. Tyler kneels down, pulling my to his chest. He stands up and carries me back to his room. He lays me on the bed,

"Want me to lay with you?"

I nod, and he lays down beside me.

"You've got a fever," He says quietly, placing a cool hand on my forehead. He gets up and leaves the room. Almost instantly, he is back with a glass of water, Tylenol, and someone I don't know.

"Are you sure?"

Tyler's voice sounds alarmed. Neither of them knew I was awake, until I sat up. Tyler walks over and lays down beside me again.

"Alex, please lay down."

He hugs me to his chest as I hesitantly lay down again. "Tyler."

I don't turn to look at the guy who had spoken, but I knew his voice from somewhere.


Tyler kept his voice low and even, thinking I want to sleep. "She's my sister."


Comment what you think this chapter should be called! I suck at coming up with names for chapters. Sorry for the language, if you don't like that I use it.

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