Chapter 1

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A/N: The whole story is going through a revamp expect the quality to reduce later. 

"Can you try and not break the house. Remember the main house isn't paying for it anymore," Shigure grimaced, knowing that his income as an author surely would not even remotely cover the damage.

"IT'S THE DAMN RATS FAULT!" Kyo yelled, placing blame on anyone but himself as per usual unless of course, the receiver is Tohru which he tries to show her respect unlike some of his cousins. 

"Shut up you stupid cat," the rat, Yuki replies with his usual bored tone that comes with any interaction he has with the cat.

The three boys in the household take a seat, if not already sitting, waiting for the snack that Tohru said she wanted to give out. She had tactically planned which that would be; Kyo's favorite!

Tohru finished filling the last riceball with a salmon fillet that she had concocted a couple of hours ago, a bright grin plastered across her face which was brought to a certain feline's attention. 

"What's with the goofy grin Tohru?" Kyo asked, trying to replicate a similar 'nothing happened, everything is normal' attitude that Tohru was conveying.

"I don't know. I guess just hearing you two fight is in a way," she paused with trouble trying to remember the word she was looking for. "Relieving?" Kyo questioned. 


"How so Miss Honda?" Yuki asked, trying to seem as observant as the cat he so despised. Another attribute that he wished he had but didn't.

"I guess with all the crazy stuff going on, it's nice to know you two are still the same," Tohru laughs it off as if what she said didn't mean a thing to either of the boys. 

Kyo looks away from her adoring brown eyes in remorse as he relays in his head the events of the other day.


"Don't look at me!" Tohru watched and stared, unable to take her eyes off the visible and cruciating pain that he was feeling at that moment.

His bracelet, the source that he valued so much which kept what he wanted to hide at bay, launched into the air. Every second since became more and more physically and mentally painful.

"ARGH!" He groaned a multitude of times, each time louder and louder, and into a ball, he curled tighter and tighter.

Fog rose and soon dissipated into the air with the only thing he saw was her staring back at him, her eyes wide without a single sparkle. He could see every part of her quiver including in her eyes.

"K-Kyo?" she finally asked-- her mouth moved but in her eyes, you could see that she was surprised that anything audible came out.

Kyo jumped away into the forest. . .


Deep down he was terrified about what their relationship had come to after that, he was just starting to warm up to her. He felt as though he finally had a genuine friend that didn't make him want to go into hiding as Kagura or didn't use him for his so-called-popularity like the boys in their class did. 

Under a Cherry Tree A Fruits Basket FF *Kyo x Tohru* BOOK 1 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now