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"What about Lucas?" Worry filling my voice as I quickly set the mug down.
     "That's the thing, I don't know, Zay said last night he was going to talk to him, but he wasn't home...so then he tried Central Park,"
      I choke on air, "and what did he find there?" Farkle raised an eyebrow at me, "he found him at the bottom of the hill where the swings are," he tells me, making my eyes go wide. "And?
What's the big deal? He found him, everything's okay." I state, emotionless monotone in my voice. "He found him laying down asleep, only to see a large cut at his jaw, he was unconscious..." I quickly take a sip of my drink, just to spit it out dramatically.
"What?" I grab my purse, and Farkle's collar, "he's in the hospital on 3rd Ave, if that's what you wanted to know," he says right before almost tripping from my strong grip on him.
       I let go of Farkle and call Zay,
A few rings pass and he answers,     "Riley! I'm so glad you called, don't worry about Lucas, he's fine, no need to come to the hospital and che-"  I hang up.
       He really thinks I'm just not going to go? I look over to see Farkle on the phone with Maya, telling her to meet us there.
        I rush on to the subway with Farkle on my side, as I impatiently wait for us to get there. The train comes to a halt and I run off, not caring if Farkle wasn't right behind me, as I ran into the hospital, and the front counter. "I'm here for Lucas Friar," I say, as I tap my nails on the desk,
"Are you family, close friend, or loved one?" She asks, chewing her gum.
     "Close friend..." I say and she gives me a 'rlly' face. "Sorry, we have enough close friends visiting him, have a nice day-" "did I say close friend? I meant girlfriend. I'm his girlfriend and I need to see him now," I say and she gives me his room number.
      I walk in there slowly, to see Lucas laying on the bed like roadkill, and Zay sitting down next to him. "Isaiah Babaneaux... Clearly everything is not okay, he looks like a dead bugs bunny, what happened?" I ask and he looks worried,
       "And who might this cute little thing be?" A deep voice says as I turn around to see a big man with a cowboy hat. "Riley Matthews Lucas'....friend." I say, I don't even know what to consider us.
       "I'm Lucas' father. My boy's in the hospital because he's weak and pathetic. He just needed to learn his lesson," my eyes widen, and my blood goes cold. "Get out. Right now." I say in a tall voice and he laughs. "Now why would I do that? Your the reason he's weak? Always wanting to 'protect the one he cares about'? You ruined his strong demeanor," I stand next to Lucas and look at him, "just leave!" I shout at him before slapping him across his cheek.
        Lucas' father chuckles, "alright, I'm leaving, just know that Lucas will never be good enough to be a Friar,"
      That's it. "Lucas is 10 times the man you will ever be, he is strong, has actual feelings, and has so many people who actually care and love him!"
    Like you.
What? No. Yes? Did I just practically say I love him?
     By the time my argument is done in my head, his father is already gone.  I look at his bruised body, and grab his hand, squeezing it. "Zay, he's going to be okay, right?" He nods half-heartedly. "I'll leave you guys some space," I thank him, and it's just me and bugs bunny Lucas.
      I sit down where Zay was and just stare at him. "Lucas, it's Riley, I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm talking anyway. Please wake up. I hope you heard what I said earlier, because I was telling the truth. You are such an amazing person, and have so many people that care about you...including me. You helped me live. Please wake up, I miss you Lucas,"

I Promise I Hate You {Rucas}Where stories live. Discover now