Chapter 25: The Game Of Choice

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Chapter 25: The Game Of Choice

Four hours ago...

Janice lay there out cold not moving a single muscle. It looked like she was dead. Karla grab my arm yanking me closer to her than I like. I try to twist out of her , but it was useless, I don't even know why I bother to try. "We are going to have fun you and I." She smiles. I can't imagine what kind of "fun" she's talking about. We walked into a chamber descending down the steps. She push me into a chair and eyed me. "Get up from that chair and you'll die. Well you'll most likely die anyway. Depends if I do it slowly or fast." She say to me.

I gulped. Her face changed into a sour look while staring at me dead on. " I don't know why he kept you for this long, I'm surprised. Know this human. You're not special and your little lucky star is gonna burnout crashing down. You are nothing human! Hear me?" Karla screams. Wow her face looked very scary when her eyes changed to black, mouth wide fangs extended out. Karla flips her hair smiling. "Now let's get to the best part of this girl night. I wanna play game. Let's bring our other player." Karla giggles.

Another player? I really hope it isn't another vampire. What kind of psychotic game is she talking about. Karla brings out a person with a bag over their head, tied up staggering towards the chair in front of me. "Have seat human." She say. The person struggle against Karla but Karla pushed the person into the chair. This person was shaking in fear and I saw the tears. Karla pulls the bag off the person revealing it was Bianca. Her faced was dirty and bruised. She locked eyes with me and smiled a bit. "Bianca! You're alive!" I exclaimed. She nods with a smile, but winced in pain.  From the corner of her eye I see Karla had a bag and a old dirty bottle in her hands. She placed the bottle in front of us and kept the bag to her side. "Ever play spin the bottle girls?" She said wickedness dripping in her voice. We didn't answer and she laughs.

"Quite sure you have. I'm going to spin the bottle and whoever it lands on will go first." First? First to what? Horrible things came to my mind thinking what on earth she had planned. Karla took a seat wit us and placed the bottle in the middle and spun it so fast. My heart was beating fast. I hope it didn't land one me or Bianca. I don't know what kind of "game" she was playing, but I know it isn't good. The starts to slow down and all Bianca and I can do was watch helplessly. The bottle stopped spinning and it landed on Karla. " I'm first it seems." She smiled evilly. Karla takes the bottle and spin it. This isn't good.

The bottle spin , spin, and spin and I can feel my heart just jumping out my chest. Once again the bottle slows down picking its target. "No!" Bianca cried as the bottle landed on her. Karla smiled and reached into her bag pulling out pliers. "Yes human." Karla spoke eerily. Bianca tears spilled watching Karla wiggling the pliers around. "Where shall I use these pliers on? Fingers, teeth, toes perhaps?" She sings. Karla yanked Bianca arm and Bianca crying trying to get her hand away.

I couldn't do anything to save her. I turned my head not wanting to watch as Bianca screamed in agony. When it was over Karla placed the bottle not the table and spinned her sick game. The bottle landed on Bianca again. Once again the bottle went around and around stopping on me. Karla eyes lit up with interest and a smirk appears. "I'm giving you two options. Either kill her or she'll kill you. You 45 seconds to decide and if neither u decide then I'll kill you both." She smiles.

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