Chapter 18: The Decision

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Hey there :)

Till next time........

Luther p.o.v

What I have done could be called betrayal from the kings point of view and I would stand before the council judgment. Or the king could just kill me if he wishes. But I play it cool and pretend everything was normal. The king would maybe have mercy on his sons, but for someone like I, could end up a death penalty. Either way, I think I was screwed from the get go. I was meeting up with some important royal members about some strange activity going on outside the palace. One of them asked did I seen anything. I'm quite sure someone told them or read the letters. Simply I told them no. After they begin to leave, I turn to Torres asking, "Where is everyone?"

"Well, the king is busy with some meeting away from the palace. I have no idea where Tristan is at, but he mentioned there was something he needs to do. The guards are out in the city and that leaves you and me." he says. At least the king isn't here. "Keep this between me and you, I'm going down the chambers," I told him and he nods. I head down to the chambers which were usually protected by the guards, but no one was here. "Aries?" I called out. When I didn't hear anything, I went further down to investigate. Nobody was here. I went back upstairs and ran towards Torres. "Where's Aries?"

"The chambers moron. Did you not just went down there." "Well Torres, I wouldn't be asking if he was. Aries isn't there." He could be so hostile for no reason. He looks at me and panic shows on his face. "Do you think the king had you know?" "I doubt it. But...did you hear that?" I asked Torres. It sounded like a soft pop. Like it was coming from outside. The second noise sounded louder, but still faint. "Must be you just hearing things," Torres said. Maybe he is right. "Come on, we got work to do, like a list of things." 

"Why can't you do it yourself ?" I frowned at him. Torres lets out a frustrated growl. "Are you that lazy?" "Pretty much." I shrugged, as I was walking with him. He starts to complain and threatening me, blah, blah and all that nonsense. I just ignored him. My ears picked up someone voice that sounded like a female. "Did you say there were guards outside." I asked cutting off his rant. "I said they were out not outside. Do you even listen?" "Someone is out there. So continue and be grumpy while I'll go outside." I said, leaving him there frustrated. So I made my way outside hearing another loud noise. My instinct told me to run to it. So I did. I looked around and around not seeing anything, but I smell something. Blood. Sweet smelling blood. I followed the scent which led me in the middle of somewhere where there were three bodies laying still. One of them was Sherry I recognized. Looking at her she had a bullet in the center of her chest. "Sherry?" I whisper her name. She didn't reply back. Her body looked very still. Panic starts to rise in me. I checked the other two bodies. Rene and Janice, both covered in blood. My mouth started to ache, but I did the best to ignore. Fear gripped me. "I'm so dead, I'm so dead."

Knowing I couldn't hold all of them, I had to call someone to help me. Which I did and my helper was on the way. The smell of blood was starting to get to me. "I'm here Luther," my helper said. "Good. Get Sherry and follow me." I command him. I carried both of the girls, but it was difficult. The smell was very strong. I went into a secret room where most vampires don't know it exists. I command my helper to lay Sherry on the table next to Rene and Janice. Staring at them hurt me a lot. Sadness took a toll on me. "I'm sorry. Whoever did this will pay with their life. I promise." I said to them. I was going to find out who did this to them. The only way I could do this is examining them. I started with Janice first. There was also a bullet hole in her chest just like Sherry had. Then I turn my attention to Sherry. She looked pale like I never seen and her veins looked very dark. Odd. Bullets don't do that to vampires. The smell of blood kept inferring what I was doing. Rene and Janice's blood were becoming a problem. Never I encounter a human whose blood would make me feel this way. "What is going on?" Torres asked. Damn. I turn to him looking nervous. "Remember I said I heard something? Well, I went outside and this is what I found. My friends dead!" I yelled at him.

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