"Anyways, your mom and dad will be home tonight dear." She said, smiling lovely at him. There was an unknown expression on his face, "We have dinner with our neighbors tonight."

"I'm not hungry." He pointed out with a shrug.

"I'm sorry dear, but you have to. Orders from your dad." She stated mildly.

"Dad? The man I never see?" He scoffed.

"Yes honey."

"I won't go."


"I had a bad day on school and I have headache. I don't want them to see me like this." He lied, walking away. Ms. Hudson her expression changed to a worried one.

"Oh... dear. I'll make you some tea" She said with concern and walked away, towards the kitchen. Sherlock sneaked a smile and walked to his bedroom. He laid himself under the covers for a moment, so Ms. Hudson would believe him when she entered. After five minutes she knocked on the door and without permission from Sherlock she entered. She walked over to him and laid a damp washcloth on his face, handing him the tea.

"Thank you." He muttered.

"You're welcome. If you get hungry, I have laid Macaroni in the oven."

"Okay." He grumbled.

And so she left. When Sherlock heard the front door closing he leapt out of his bed and settled him down at his desk on a modern-grey chair. His mother and dad didn't even came inside to check on him. Or not even to say hello. Sherlock didn't see his dad for a week.

He yawned and opened the lid from his laptop. Going to bbc news and started looking through some news. After Five minutes he found an interested case that the Scotland Yard had problems with.

It was half pas six. And both families were  probably chatting, laughing and eating a big course menu. Sherlock was glad with the silence in the house. But like always there was something disturbing his silence. There was noise of a ball bouncing against the wall and the tiled floor. Sherlock's isn't quite sure if it against the wall of his house or the neighbors. He growled, this was disturbing his concentration on the case. And he really wanted to solve this. After trying to ignore it for five minutes, it kept going. Sherlock sighed and stood up, making his way to the front door and furiously opened the fancy white door. His eyes widened at the sight of John Watson bouncing with his ball against his own garage door.

"Can you stop it?" Sherlock hissed. Obviously irritated by John. John swiveled around, surprised to hear Sherlock actually speaking to him. Even it isn't something friendly.

"Nice to meet you too." John quipped as he bounced the ball once more.

"Really funny." He retorted sarcastically, arms folded over his chest as the cold wind cut through his shirt, causing him to shiver.

"Are you coming to introduce yourself?" John chuckled amusingly and laid his hand in his side with the ball placed under his armpit, pinching his nose with his other hand as he stepped closer to the fence which separated the two front gardens. Sherlock was still standing at the front door, his eyebrows furrowed.

"No. You are disturbing my concentration with the noise from that silly blue ball of yours." He scowled.


"No." Sherlock replied fiercely. "Now, can you stop, thank you." He said as he turned around and opened the door again.

"I've heard a lot about you." John said stepping closer. Sherlock clenched his teeth, wanting to just ignore it. But the curiosity was overtaking him. He turned and was met with John's eyes again. John smiled.

"Why do people call you those words?" He wondered, a sign of sympathy on his face.

"Because." Sherlock paused, scanning John from head to toe. He took a step closer and furrowed his eyebrows. "I can deduce practically your whole life story, the good and bad, just by looking at you."

"You can deduce me?"


"Show me." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. Sherlock hesistated for a moment before he started duducing the smaller boy in front of him.

"You have an injury on your shoulder that is bothering you. Previously you did football as sport, but you got hurt. You no longer care what people think of you, you do whatever you want. You were popular in your previous school, but you never liked all the attention. You don't mind having bullies against you. You moved here because your dad got fired after your sister had fun playing with the daughter from his boss. The boss caught them together in the office at night." John stared at Sherlock with his mouth lightly open. "By the book in your hand this morning." He assumed and was thinking for two second before he spoke up again. "By the book you want to become an army doctor. You like dangerous situations. Do I have to go on?" He said, rubbing the back of his head, preparing himself for John's outburst. But he kept staring at Sherlock with his mouth wide open, slightly shaking as in saying no.

"Why are you staring like that?" He asked in his deep, silky voice, feeling confused.

"You're just..." John attempted to find the correct word to describe him.

"Weird, a freak?" Sherlock asked. John shook his head.

"Interesting." He decided. Sherlock smiled slightly and nodded, entering the house.

"And be quiet." Sherlock yelled before he slammed the door close.

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