Chapter 20: Mixed emotions

Start from the beginning

The crowd claps and lot's of people gasp, causing my head to snap up. I watch as Justin emerged from where he was kept hidden and join my dad. 

He was all dressed up in a fancy tux and nice shiny shoes. His long hair was pulled back into a man bun on the back of his head and I couldn't keep my eyes off him. "Are there any questions either Justin and I can answer?" Dad question to the crowd.

Everyone's hand seems to go up.

When the questions start, I feel more anxious. I can't imagine this going well.

"Have you found any background information about Mr Bieber's parents?" Someone from the front asks.

"Jeremy Bieber, deceased. Mother is unknown." Dad replies. "But I like to avert away from any personal topics for tonight. We need to enjoy ourselves." 

More questions are answered.

"How long will Justin be staying with you and your family?"

Dad looks over at Justin. "At the moment I am Justin's guardian even though he is twenty one. He will continue to stay with my family until he is ready to live on his own. That won't be anytime soon." Dad adds.

"Why would you allow this... this thing to even get close to your daughter!?" A voice shouts, causing a spark to erupt in everyone.

Justin, who wasn't paying attention to any of it, looks up to see who had spoken, his attention being caught from the mention of the two of us.

People in the crowd murmur in agreement, but dad just places a hand on Justin's shoulder to keep him place as he answer's the question in a stern voice. "Justin is human. He's not some sort of monster that should be kept away in a cell. Must I add, he has a great relationship with my family." Dad defends him right away.

"What if he hurts your daughter? Takes advantage of her? What would you do then!" Someone else yells.

I notice Justin's hands start to clench and un clench, a recurring movement he does when he starts to get angry. He clearly understands what's going on. 

"That is enough!" Doctor Ramone shouts, trying to shut down all of this as fast as he could.

Jennifer stands up, rushing to the stage and I stand too, ignoring Grant, Jamie and Hayden who call after me, asking where I was going. Noah follows after me, not questioning it.

Suddenly, something is flying across the room, landing on the stage as it smashes into pieces. It was a glass and someone yells, "Get the beast off the stage!"

People gasp and others agree, chanting harsh words about the boy from the jungle.

"Justin!" I yell, sprinting over as best as I could in my long dress. 

But it's too late. My dad and Doctor Terrenlot have already grabbed him and pulled him off stage as he struggled in their grips to get out and attack whoever he wanted to. 

"Let me go!" I yell when Noah grabs onto me. "Bea, stop it!" He shouts, "We need to leave." 

"I know that! But Justin, he's-" 

"He'll be fine, Bea." Noah assures me. I don't believe him. He's angry, he's going to hurt someone or himself by hitting something or trying to get past the barriers being my dad and others trying to keep him back. 

Before I know it, everyone is being sent out and Jennifer is dragging both Noah, Grant and I away from the large crowd. Jamie and Hayden had left when the first glass was thrown, forced by their parents to leave before they caught in the big fight. 

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