Chapter 38 Choices

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Chapter 38 Choices

Vanoss' POV:

If I had ever felt a heart warming death, it would have to be this one. I saw Moo carrying Brian's body to the table and I could see that Moo had felt something for the human. It could be that the human side of Moo, Brock, is letting himself be a part of Moo like I had always wanted everyone to be.

But I can't have Moo just keeping watch of Brian. I need him here so he learns the truth to what really happened to Evan. I sighed looking over at my friends and deciding who would be the best to design Terroriser. I looked over to Lui and my new friend Droidd, I knew that they were the one.

"Droidd, Lui come here," I called them over and Lui bounced his way over here while Droidd shyly followed.

"I'm going to be using the main computer but this laptop has the software to design Terroriser and I'd like if you both were in charge of it," I said and I heard a squeal coming from Lui.

"Y-y-y-you got it boss," Droidd said and Lui dragged him away probably to mess around with the system.

I walked up to Moo as I saw him out the metal hat on him and took out his memories. I saw them upload to the big computer and I transferred them all to a chip.

"Nogla when the suit is done I want you to put this in Terroriser," I said as Nogla was walking by.

"Sure thing," he said and grabbed the chip from my hands.

"Moo, Delirious come with me," I said and Moo reluctantly left Brian's side and joined me in the other room with Delirious.

Knowing that I can completely trust both of them. I turn off their chips and I saw them turn off and on like I have always had since I've first started to do this.

"You know as many times you did that too me I'll never get used to it," Jonathan said holding his head.

"Well this is my second time and I have to say better than the first," Brock said as they finally got working their own bodies.

"Come on we have to see what the file E is about," I said grabbing both of their hands and dragging them out of the room.

We reached the computer and Brock got to work at opening the files and getting to the file E. He puts in the password EvanFong and many different folders had popped up. I saw some that said childhood memories, friends, and hated people. But the one that caught my eye was the one titled:


"Well its now or never," I said as I Brock moved the mouse and clicked on the file.

There was two videos, one seemed in first person and the other looked like it was taken from the cameras of the restaurant. Brock looked at me, expecting me to watch which ever video. I decided on the camera version and told Brock. Once he clicked on it, video player opened up and loaded the video.

~Video time~

It opened up to the back room where the Creator seemed like he was counting something. You could hear footsteps walking closer to him and soon came into view was an Asian man. He had jet black hair similar to a Mohawk and yet it wasn't. His brown eyes looked like he was debating on going over to him but took a deep breathe and took a step forward.

"Dad can I talk to you for a minute," the stranger said as he walked up to the Creator.

"Sure what do you need Evan," he said and my eyes widen at the news.

So that's Evan huh. I looked over to Jonathan and I saw that he was very interested at what was going on in front. I looked down at Brock and saw that he was glaring at the screen in front. I turned back to the screen to see what's going to happen.

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