2. Will you marry me?

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''Welcome home, Sasuke-kun''. These words slipped out of my mouth, while a big smile appeared on my face. The whole world stopped now, now that he was back. Now that his dark dark eyes found mine. Now that my breath became shallow and his irises dialated (as a medic nin I notice such changes, ok?). This sign gave me hope. Suddenly, the world seemed brighter, my life seemed better. He came back, just as he promised! I just could not believe my eyes he was there!

My body moved automatically in his direction, I lost all control now. I felt tears streaming down my face, as I huged him tightly. To my suprise, I felt his strong arms around me, pulling me closer. I guess at that moment I looked lika a tomato, just like Hinata in Narutos arms would look. The Uchihas usually don't pull people closer!

As I looked up, there was a ghost of a smile on his face. His eyes were locked on mine, his memerizing glance held so much emotions and words he would never say aloud. And that was enough for my feelings to come back stronger then before. I fell even harder for the Uchiha, deeper then ever. Was that even possible? His eyes were slowly studying my face, moving to my lips, I felt his warm breath on my skin, how could this be happening? Only a few seconds, then he would kiss me...

''TEME! You are back! Finally!'', the moment was broken, as Naruto jumped on top of us, not caring, that we were preoccupied.

''Well, hello dobe. Nice to see you all again'', finally Sasuke spoke. His voice was deeper, then I remembered. He looked at all his formal friends, his pokerface on again. Still, that was more then you could expect from Sasuke.

''Ehm, well, if you don't mind, I would like to invite everyone to Ichirakus, I would like to annouce something very important'', his voice penetrated the silence again, before anyone could speak. Suddenly he seemed kind of nervous, but then he send a small smirk in Narutos way. Narutos grin just grew bigger (how was that atonomically possible?), as if he would share a secret with the darkhaired shinobi. 

Since when Sasuke talked so much? Forget that, he could smirk? Like that? Wow. Sexy. 

Anyway, as I tried to look at him again, he just averted his gaze and went ahead of me in the general direction of Ichiraku's. Well, that was weird. 

Then it hit me. He was avoiding me for a reason. What if the big announcement was his engangment? Or worse, his marriage? What if he found someone else? Maybe he just wanted to announce, that he would never come back. My heart ached more and more with every passing second. How would my life go on?

I could never really imagine a life without Sasuke. Even through he was not interested in me when we were younger, my foolish heart still believed that this would change. But what if that was not the case here? 

My brain was running out of options for this outcome, so I took a deep deep breath and forced my feet to go after Sasuke. My anxiety grew with each step, each step closer to the truth. Was I ready for such a statement?

Naruto as always, sensed my sour mood and took hold of my wrist, just to drag me faster to Ichiraku's, his grin still on his face as he pushed me down the seat right next to Sasuke. 

His approximity made me feel even worse, but it was too late. 

After everyone took their seats, ordering and finally eating ramen (what else?), I just stared at my bowl, not really hungry. I had it bad. 

From the corner of my eye I catched Sasuke's eyes staring at me for a while, until it got uncomfortable. When I thought I could not last any longer, he suddenly stood up, directing all the eyes of our friends at him.

''I'm not staying long, for my mission is not complete yet. But I had to visit and do something I should have done a long time ago. '', suddenly I felt a fast movement in front of me. In the next second, there he was, the one and only Sasuke Uchiha, kneeling down on one knee in front of ME, asking the question, I have been waiting so long, to be asked. His eyes were locked on mine, I could sense waves of nervousness coming off him. 

''Sakura Haruno. I have always been cold and ignorant towards you. But you never gave me up. I always tried to distance myself from you, for...I thought that feelings were a show of weakness. But still... I.. I knew it was bound to happen, and... I think so did you. Would you like to become an Uchiha and marry me?''. Ok, that broke his record, that was the longest speech he ever held. Tears were forming in my eyes, I expected a lot, but not this. Was this an admission of love? For Uchiha standard maybe... Did he really ask me that? Did he mean it? So many questions were running in my head, my medic's side recognized it as a shock state. There was a long moment of silence, while I was trying to sort out my thoughts, my eyes unpurposefully meeting his. Then I saw it. His eyes twitched and his shoulders slumped, ... he... he thought I would reject him!

''Hn, well, I would understand if you don't want to...'', before he could stand up, I jumped on him, out of reflex, breaking my shock state. 

''YES, YES, YES, and again YES'' I screamed, cried, laughed at once. I acted just like my innerself would. From around us I heard my friends laughing at me for my reaction, but I just could not care less for I was now right here, where I belonged. His eyes were the last thing I saw, before his lips met mine. I never saw that emotion in his eyes, that were again locked with mine. He held my hand kind of proud the whole evening, which caused me to blush all the time. 

After a while, the most of our friends went home calling it a day until there was just me, Sasuke, Naruto and Hinata.

''So, Sasuke, when is the wedding?'', Naruto asked, his grin never leaving his face. He looked so happy for us, indeed was the best friend I could ever ask for.

There was silence for a minute. I was still too shocked to adapt the status of the Sasuke Uchiha's fiance, I just looked at him overwhelmed. There was no time to discuss such things till now, and there was so much to plan, it would take probably months, weeks at least....

''How about tomorrow?'', his voice was emotionless again. ''Like I said, my mission is still not complete. I have got to set out tomorrow evening. Sorry." 

His words hit me. There won't be a big wedding, planned on for months.There will be no honeymoon. There will be no Sasuke Uchiha around me, for another few years. Again, the pain took my breath away. Why, just why can't we be like the others?

I sighed and nod my head. At least I end up with the man of my dreams, right? And the man wants me, so that is all that really counts, right? Uff. That was it. Tomorrow I will be a bride!

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