Chapter XI

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"Christine, how was your evening?" Madame Giry asked as I entered through the mirror to my dressing room. I had shared a quick moment with Erik before he went to his box which was now legally reserved by his own payments that I make for him.

"Wonderful, Madame, you found yours suitable?"

"Indeed," she replied sternly, going right to work with my appearance for the opera.

I was put into my Amnita dress, my hair laid out behind me in soft cascades, and then make-up generously placed onto my features with ease. I looked ready when Madame Giry said I was, so I went to wait in the wings of the stage. People passed by, smile by smile as those I knew wished me well for my performance. I couldn't say I was nervous, but I could say I was upset I would not be singing Don Juan with Erik. I could only imagine the passion of it all as I told him I loved him truly through song. I wouldn't be surprsied if our vows were in song one day, as things were going so well.

I listened carefully for my cue, people dancing around the stage, telling of their master and his house. Oh, how I just wished to get this over with. Just this scene, as I had never reached further than it than in practice times only. I wanted to perform it all, and no interruptions. This performance looked promising.

I walked out on stage as people slowly faded off, standing in the wings as my counter-part began to sing with me. It was in no way my love, for I would have known as I did the first time. Of course, Raoul and a myriad of gendarme are also missing from this occasion.

The last line came when we were at the climax of the song, ending the beauitful ballad in no time, taking us to a whole new realm when the dancers re-entered the stage to begin the next scene.

But before we could go any further, a glass shattered on the stage, fallen from the hands of Meg Giry. She looked over to me and screamed my name, falling into the mess of glass she had made, hurting herself no doubt.

"Meg!" I yelled, running to her as Madame Giry did the same exact thing, concern flooding the both of us as we tossed knowing glances back and forth. She must have remembered.

"Bring the child to my dormitory, do not falter your step," Madame Giry commanded the male dancers who took Meg to her chambers.

"Should we cancel?"

"Go on, the performance shall continue without her."

And it certainly did. After it was all done, I rushed with Erik on my heels to Madame Giry's room through the empty halls of the opera house. I just had to get out of the costume I was wearing so little of. Bringing Erik wasn't entirely a good idea, but if she was up I would just say that everything was fine now, and he could rest easy at home, I would join later. When it came down to that situation, he left with grace and a very promising congratualtions for my performance.

"I cannot believe this," I muttered as I opened the door and peered in to watch the Madame tend to her very alert daughter. "Hello?"

I sneaked into the room with Meg taking a heavy notice of me. Her eyes were heavy, the look on her face now worn of years that had passed.

"Christine..." She trailed off, and it was like she was speechless for the first time in her life. Meg had always been the chatter box, and I loved her for that, but we'll have to see where this ends us.

"I hope you understand that as I sit here, Meg, I forgive you for what you did. It was in spite of myself and what was highly unfair to all of us. I felt as blind-sided as you did. He left me with our son, you know. He left me and never returned. Whence I saw him again, there in Coney, I established a terrible disposition. I apologize whole-heartedly for my wrongs."

I bowed my head as Meg stared at me with disbelieveing wide eyes.

"You? Apologize?" Her voice had matured in those mere moments, a maturity to it she hadn't developed until Coney. "Heaven help me, Christine, I find much more fault in myslef as I let false emotions run away from me. Please, do not concede or do anything drastic on my part. You were my sister at one point, and I find myslef in your debt. Whatever it is. Have me get it and I shall, for I owe you my life when I almost took yours."

"It's okay," I muttered through happy tears, "It's okay."

Soft words comforted her as I helped her recover and breathe deeply those next few moments. It wasn't till about an hour later that I found us both comfortable and calm over what had happened. Truly, there was nothing more confusing than what the lot of us had gone through.

"Does he remember?" Meg asked suddenly, noting to Erik. The night was heavy, and so were our eyelids as sleep threatened to take us both. Madame Giry had slipped off a while ago to sleep for her night's rest.

"I fear not. The day Erik does, I shall be rather uncertain as to what reaction I am to obtain. I hope we are married and with children by this point, that way I have less of a chance at losing him."

Meg scoffed and took my hand, my trembling fingers lacing through hers at the thought of Erik leaving me.

"I wasn't the only woman to wish his attention upon myself, Christine. Many came his way, many beautiful woman far prettier than I, but he denied them all. I hope you understand, he loves you no matter what you do against him."

I wiped away a few tears and held her hand tighter, needing reassurance that my friend was here in front of me with all of her sense.

"I love him so much, and yet from what I did I fear he will leave me once again."

"And what did you do, Christine? Love him? How could he be upset with you for loving him?"

I looked at Meg and wondered the same thing, worry still deep in my heart though.

"I know not...."

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