Background Information

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Hello everyone, I just wanted to give you guys some background information. I'm hoping that by doing this that I don't give to much away. Okay well since I covered that I hope you have a great time reading my story and if you see any errors, please let me know in the comments or you can simply message me. Which ever one you prefer. ( Oh and while you are at it you guys can go ahead and tell me how much you love me! Just kidding but really if you do love me go ahead and do tell me :) ) Okay so now onto the background information.


Some people where just meant not to be friends, but for these two people they haven't quite figured it out yet; if they should be or shouldn't be friends or maybe, just maybe something more, but ya know how the saying goes "Only time will tell."

Logan is your average everyday teenager, who's trying to live her life at the fullest. She likes to show up to class every-once in awhile. She causes trouble as often as she blinks. She really doesn't care what people think about her or that's at least what she wants people to think. There is two sides to every teenage girl; The one who steps out of her bedroom and interacts with horrible human beings (that's something she would have said) , and then the one who is alone in her bedroom with two a.m thoughts.


I think that covers it for Logan, you guys will learn more about her in the story. Okay now for Cole, he's just a tad bit different  from Logan if ya get my vibe.


Cole is your average everyday teenager, who's trying to strive for straight A's. He likes to show up to class on time. He likes to avoid trouble as much as he can. He doesn't really care what people think about him. He likes to read and study. He most of all likes to keep to himself as much as possible ( Well himself and his 3 friends.) He likes to be called a geek rather then a nerd. ( So if you talk to him and you say something along the lines of  "You're such a nerd!" He will go "Nuts crazy" as what he calls it and he will tell you off.) 


Okay well I feel like that should do it. I hope that you guy have a great time reading this story as much as i did writing it. I also hope that this story keeps you up at night because you are craving more, and that i keep you from doing your homework. I'm only kidding, haha but really please stay in school! I love all of you guys and thanks for giving my story a chance.

xoxo trashwithaname 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2016 ⏰

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