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Stefan's POV
It's one day after graduation and Elena has already left for New York with Damon. I should have fought for her. I should have won her heart all over again, whatever it took for her to be mine. But no, I'm a fricking moron and just let her go.

"Stefan? You home! I need to talk!" I hear a voice squeal as someone walks through the door. I walk down the stairs and see Caroline all distraught.

"What's wrong?"I ask her as she takes a seat on my couch.

"Tyler! He broke with me!" Caroline cries as I hug her for comfort.

"Are you okay?" I ask her.

"No... where is Elena?" She asks as I go silent...

"She moved to New York with Damon for 'college'." I tell her as she looks at me with confusion.

"Stefan... I know who you are. I mean I actually know who you are. You're a vampire." Caroline says as she wipes the tears off her face.

"My mom is a sheriff and also Forbes are a founding family along with the Salvatore's. We read about you in the old journals." She continues.

"Aren't you scared of me?" I ask her.

"Stefan... I never believed in vampires and if I did, I use to think that they were evil but after being friends with you for a year I realised that you wouldn't do anything to harm me and I trust you. That's the reason you and Elena broke up right?" She asks as I simply nod.

"She'll come back for you one day. I'm sure of it." Caroline assured me before we sit on my sofa and go through a chick flick marathon with ice cream to cure out heart ache.
A/N: I AM SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN FOUR DAYS!!! I've decided to not post on the weekends but I'll be posting every weekday. To make up for Monday I'll try to write a quick chapter which should be up shortly. If you liked this, don't for get to vote and leave a comment down below! I love hearing from you guys! Follow me for updates but till then... BYE FELICIAS!

Distance//Stelena • DISCONTINUED Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu