One Night At Luna's - Part 10

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"Are all crew aboard? Life sign count," I commanded as I stepped onto the bridge. I felt exhilarated. Who needed running after a marathon session of zero G gymnastics? I'd showered, kissed Pluto goodbye and felt my blood buzzing all the way back to the ship.

"Forty four, Captain," Ensign Smith responded from the Environmental console.

"That's everybody. Well done, crew of the Enterprise. Time to undock and head out. Set a course for Jupiter." I watched as the crew took her out like the state-of-the-art piece of technology she was. When we were clear of the station, I commanded, "Lieutenant Deer, you have the bridge for the next eight hours."

Kitty stiffly stepped up to the command chair. "Yes, Captain." She paused. "One thing, Captain. We can't seem to find the Catering Officer."

"He's probably still sleeping off his hangover. Life signs – are there any in his cabin?" I directed my question at Smith.

"No, ma'am, which is strange, because he bunks with the Morale Officer. No life signs in that cabin at all," Smith replied.

"Find him. Which cabins have additional life signs?"

Feverish fingers tapped keys. "Only one, ma'am. Engineering."

I stared at him. "Of course we'd have additional life signs in Engineering when manoeuvring like this. Are you suggesting the Catering Officer has decided to work in Engineering today?"

"No, ma'am. The Engineering Officer's quarters."

"Thank you, Ensign Smith," I replied, marching down the passageway to the offending Officer's quarters.  

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