the only chapter 2 this thing

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~ This story is in Burgerpant's POV~

I stood outside MTT Resort, my paws warm as they rested in my dark red hoodie. I hardly got to wear this thing, so I felt a bit grateful. This is because my boss is an asshole, which meant break times were as rare as seeing a pixie die right in front of your eyes. I'm always trapped in my worthless job's uniform. The fabric itches and the dinky hat's always falling off because it's so small on my head. So now, as I leaned against the wall of this building, I felt somewhat at peace. No one to yell about an order, no one to boss me around. I puffed on my cigarette that had just been freshly lit not less than a minute ago, eyes half-lidded. 

Looking to my left, I could see the entrance to Bratty and Catty's lair, or shop as they try to call it. Less like a shop and more like a memory hell to me in all honesty. I hate when that stupid flashback reels in my mind. It makes me feel humiliated, much like anything else I can find to remember about myself. Slowly, I felt negativity swell inside of my brain and chest as I began to dwell on my life. Huh, what else is new, amirite?

Sighing heavily, I decided it would be best to smoke this thing somewhere else. I scuffled along to a place I'm used to. A place that wouldn't allow me to think of myself this way, because the guy I know there cares deeply about me, unlike anyone else in this big underground space. He doesn't even need to regard my problem to make me feel positive, his voice alone makes me feel excited enough.

I approached his cart with slight hesitation. It had been a while since we'd talked, and I felt guilty about that, but he hasn't changed at all. In fact, that nice cream vendor, he still wore that big goofy smile he always had when hes seen me. He still had that lovely glisten in his eye that suggested he enjoyed my company. Still had his ears perked sweetly and attentively, and he lifted his gloved hand to wave me a silent 'hello!'.  

My mind, at the moment, was more on the fact I've finished the cigarette before arriving, and that my pack was out by now. What a shame for that plan, huh? Focused now on him, I blushed a bit as my heart skipped. Oh, he.. he's waving at me! I came to realize, as no other monsters were nearby for him to greet. I lifted my paw and waved back, still distanced from him. 

He didn't know it yet, but he made me feel awkward inside. Not in a bad way, but in the best way. He knew how to make me genuinely happy. That was a rare thing for me as well, but he did it so easily that it took my breath away the first time it happened. I wish I could tell him, but I don't want to scare him away. He felt like the only good thing I had left down here.

His cart was parked in the waterfall location. In that usual little cranny, with the few sets of glowing mushrooms and his box of cards. He smiled wider as I got closer and extended his hand out for me. I shook it and he stared me confidently in the eye. 

"Heya pal! Come here for another sweet treat?"

"Oh, uh, I don't really have the money right now. I would if I could, but the paycheck just... never comes in," I said shakily, laughing nervously. He's touching my hand..

I watched his smile fall for a split second, but he soon picked it back up to say, "Hey, you know what? That's okay. No one has been buying from me anyways, so why not just take one. In fact, I think you deserve one on the house, for  having been such great company for me all the time!"

I smiled in a kind of thankfulness, and questioned with a 'really?'. I'd never been offered free things before. This was kind of weird to me. When he nodded, I reached into the cart and pawed through the coldness to pluck a nice cream out, and he watched me. He looked pleased as I unwrapped it and sat down against the back wall of the cranny. He sat down beside me and looked at the entrance in hopes of another joiner. A customer with spare G who was interested in such a sugary cold square, though that was very unlikely to happen. How could he be so optimistic about his failing job? It baffled me, but I enjoyed that about him.

As I was nearly halfway through my bar I looked his way and found he had been staring at me. Shocked, I felt my cheeks burn. 

"What are you looking at me like that for?" I asked defensively, yet, secretly glad as well.

"You're just," he paused, searching for the right words, "I guess I could say you're just super cute! You don't even bite the nice cream, you just nibble it, and you're all balled up as if someone will steal it from you, but no one is even here that would do that." 

He laughed smoothly and I realized that he was right. My knees were bent before me and my elbows were at my sides, my back a bit curved in a C shape. How embarrassing. I slowly uncurled and tried to relax. Putting a hand to the floor next to me, I leaned on it, trying to seem looser and cooler. The ground then wriggled slightly under my paw. 

WHAT? Lifting my paw up, I noticed his gloved hand had been underneath mine. Idiot!! Fuck!! FUCK!! My mind began to cry out. Yup! There went my reputation for this one too! May as well slay me, as my face boils hotter than literal Hell under my sandy brown coat in the mistake of the century.

"Ahah! Whoa, your hand is super warm," I heard him comment. 

"Really?" I replied. My ears had fattened against my head in shame as I kept contemplating the moment seconds before.


I felt his fingers grab my paw, and this time, the contact was on purpose. I felt the cold of his hands through his gloves. It made enough sense, all he did was handle his freezing cart all the time. All I did was flip meat over a burning grill. 

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked me, ear twitching curiously. 

"Doesn't contact with me make you.. uncomfortable, 'Guy?" I asked him.

He laughed, and that made me feel worried for his reply. However he said, "No, of course not. We have been friends or years now, Burgerpants! I've come to be very comfortable around you. In fact, I could even give you a big hug!" 

Before I could even reply, he had his long blue arms around me, and he squeezed me tightly. His soft cheek rested on my shoulder. I felt my chest beat heavily in insecurity, but I would rather die than let a moment as good as this pass me by so fast. I put my arm around him as well, my hand on his shoulder. 

Oh wow. WOw. I. I love him so much, I love him- love him so so much.. I love himso much

"Lovim so much," I whispered without intention.

"Love what so much?" He echoed.

Hearing him speak forced me to snap to realizations of my self-directed mutter.

"You!" I said in the panicky split second I had to think and answer. Fuck. HOW DO I FIX THAT  SORT OF LEVEL OF A MESSY RESPONSE?? "Your nice cream!" I corrected myself. I felt a sweat break out, and my fur began to rise in fear.

I had added on the fake tack on too late. His smile was gone now. He looked serious, and his eyes got a spark of interest. "You? Like me?" He sounded like he was stuck in disbelief, and his cheeks went a strange purple as blue blended with red. 

"Y-uh, uhm," I stuttered, beginning to shake. 

He began to smile wider than I've ever seen. Why was he smiling. Why was he smiling? His arms left my sides, and I thought he was just about ready to walk away. Scared, I stuttered out a mix match of sounds to attempt and explain, but he didn't try to go away at all. Why was he staying?

I felt his hands slip onto my cheeks in a firm yet gentle grasp. I remained quiet now and we looked at each other for seconds that seemed like minutes. I felt him pull me in, and he began to close his eyes. 

Finally, I understood what was happening. Trusting him fully, I closed my own eyes, and I felt his lips brush against mine. Soft. Comforting. I pushed into them, allowing the kiss to become real. His hands slipped behind my head, and i put a paw over one of his arms, placing the other on his jawline. He tilted his head and the kiss grew, warm and inviting. We sat there for minutes, the one silent act draping us over with ease. I haven't felt this way, not ever. It was lovely, and I didn't want to leave. I could live in this forever if I had the chance to, letting this bunny hold onto me, taking all the care he'd be willing to spare to me. It was almost like a dream to me.

I've never felt this complete.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: May 28, 2016 ⏰

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