chapter 4 • it's not a date?

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I shut my locker sighing. I put on my thin sweater and walk towards the stairs. People push past me eager to get home from this hell.

"Hey," a voice says behind me. I don't think they're talking to me, no one ever says hi to me on the hallways. Their voice doesn't sound like Christina's, Will's, or Al's so that gives me another reason not to see if they are talking to me. I reach the first floor when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I'm shocked a little but turn around. The face I see shocks my even more.

"Hey. I tried to call after you but you didn't turn around," Four says.

"Sorry. I didn't think you were talking to me," I say. "So-uh-why'd you want to talk to me."

"Oh, right." He seems a bit nervous. "I was wondering if you wanted to go get ice cream or something."

"Right now?" He nods. "Okay." We walk out and I feel a few stares on us. When we get to his car he opens the door for me. "Thank you."

"My pleasure." Before he closes the door I hear him whisper something to himself. "My pleasure? Seriously?" I wanna laugh. It wasn't that bad. It's a little cute that he's a little nervous. No Tris! He beat up your best friend, you shouldn't be hanging out with him.

"So where are we going to get ice cream?"

"You okay with Dairy Queen? I work there so..."

"Yeah, of course. I just...I've never been to Dairy Queen so I wouldn't know what to order."

"Okay. What do you like?" He asks with his eyes still trained on the road.

"I like mint ice cream with Oreos."

He scrunches up his nose. "Mint?" I nod. "Mint ice cream is gross. I can't stand it."

"It's like one of the best flavors. What's your favorite flavor?"

"Strawberry," he answers quickly.

I pretend to throw up. "I hate strawberry ice cream."

"What wrong with strawberries?" He asks turning into the parking lot for Dairy Queen.

"Nothing. I love strawberries but I don't like strawberry flavored things." He parks the car.

I open my door and walk towards the entrance. Just as I'm about to open the door Four stops me. I give him a questioning look.

"You opened the car door by yourself, at least let be a gentleman and open this one for you," he says. I let go of the handle and blush a little. He opens the door for me smiling at me the whole time.

"Hey Four. On your day off you came back here?" The cashier says. She looks Four up and down. I can tell she has a thing for him. She looks about his age. I know she's not a sophomore like me.

"I love ice cream. You know that Amanda. They made you work right after school?," he says. I've seen him talk to her sometimes at school. I can't tell if he likes her back though.

"Yeah, I hate it. Okay. What can I get for you?"

"She'll have a mint and Oreo blizzard, I'll have a strawberry cone." She finally acknowledges my presence. When she does look at me I can see a little jealousy in her eyes. But she doesn't seem like the kind to rip my throat out because I'm hanging out with her crush.

Tobias hands her a ten. "Keep the change, Amanda. I know your saving for college. It's not much but I'm sure it can help." He gives her a smile. That's was really nice of him.

Amanda hands us our ice cream about two minutes later. We take our seats in a booth by the window. I can tell Amanda is taking a few glances at us.

I eat a spoon-full of my ice cream and Four looks at me in disgust. "What?" I say with ice cream in my mouth. I'm not the most lady-like person.

"I can't believe you are eating that."

"You want some?" I joke.

"Only if you have some of mine," he holds out his cone.

I look at it, debating if it would be worth it to see Four's reaction to mint. "Fine." He holds out his cone further so I can lick it. I stick my tongue out reluctantly. I finally lick some of the horrible tasting strawberry ice cream.

"Blah. That was the worst experience I have ever had," I say. Four laughs until he sees me grab another spoon-full and hold it out for him. "Your turn."

He doesn't grab the spoon like I expect him to, he just eats it. Like I was feeding him. It was a little weird but I didn't mind. He has a look of disgust on his face.

 He has a look of disgust on his face

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Ugh. That's disgusting. How could you eat that. I need a year to get that taste out of my mouth," he says. I can't stop laughing at his reaction. Having strawberry ice cream was totally worth it.

"You two are such a cute couple," an old woman says.

I stop laughing, I tuck a piece a hair. "Oh. Actually we ar–"

"Thank you. We've been going out for five months." Four grabs my hand.

I decide to play along. "Yeah. We are the happiest couple there can be."

Four brings my hand up to his lips. He kisses it lightly, I blush. "I'm crazy about her. She's beautiful, honest, loving. Everything a guy can want in a girl."

The lady smiles at us. "Good luck." She walks out the door still smiling. I wonder if she was once in love or if she is in love.

We let of each other's hands slowly. I feel Amanda's stare on us and I instantly feel bad. "Why'd you say we were dating?"

He shrugs. "She looked so happy thinking we were together. And if you told her that we were a couple she would probably hit me with her purse."

A laugh escapes from my mouth. "What?"

"Old people hate me. I pick up a twenty that this old lady dropped and I was literally about to give it to her when she turned a saw me with it. She hit me with her purse thinking I was stealing it."

"Well you're a really good actor," I say as I eat more of my ice cream. It's starting to melt, the liquid drips down from the spoon and I focus on that until he says something that almost makes me fall of my chair.

"Oh, I wasn't acting."

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