chapter 1 • dares

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When I first met Tobias I never knew that it would be like this. I never thought that any of this would happen. I never thought that I would be standing here about to get married to him.

One year earlier

"Al truth or dare?" Will asks.


"I dare you to tell Four that you love him and that those nights you guys spent together meant something to you and say it at lunch."

Four is a senior, one of the popular guys at our school. He's the quiet one out of them but he'll beat the shit out of Al if he told him that at lunch in front of everybody.

"Alright, I accept that dare," Al says as my eyes widen. He's dead. Al is buff and tall but he doesn't like hurting people, he won't fight back and if he does Four has friends that can fight him too.

"Tris, truth or dare?" I think about it for a second then.

"Dare." I feel like I'm going to regret this.

"I dare you to let Christina give you a make over and you have to go to school with it on Monday."

Christina smiles widely."Im going to have all the boys drooling over you," she says.

Just great.

My hair is curly, I have make up on, and I'm wearing a white knit sweater with a pink infinity scarf and some light blue jeans with pink vans. I don't normally wear make up. Just when I have to look nice and even then I'll just wear mascara.

I walk in the school and even though there isn't many people in the hallway I feel like everyone is staring at me. I get to my locker and Christina comes up to me.

"You look great Tris. Everyone is all like 'Tris looks so hot'. I know I'm that good." She flips her hair over her shoulder. My eyes widen, is everyone really talking about me? I hate attention, I can't have everyone talking about me.

"They can't be talking about me."

"Calm down they're not talking about you but they should be." I calm down and sigh. Thank God. Like I said before: I hate attention.

"Come on let's go to class," I say. We start walking then get the classroom. We see Will and Al and they look at me in amazement. I feel my cheeks heat up and I know that I'm blushing.

"You look different Tris," Al says. "A g-good different n-not a bad different." He stutters a bit. The bell rings signaling that my day is just beginning.

I'm walking to lunch reading my book, A Walk To Remember by Nicholas Sparks. I've read it like a thousand times before. It's my favorite out of all his books.

I bump into someone and my book, my binders, text books, and notebooks all fall. They would be in my back pack but I already have enough books in there so they didn't fit.

"I'm so sorry, it's my fault. I wasn't watching where I was going," I say quickly dropping to the ground picking my things up. I expect the person to tell me to watch where I'm going and leave but that's not what happens. The person goes to the ground and helps me.

"No it's my fault, I should have seen you and went around." That's when he hands me my book and I see his face.

"It's fine that you didn't see me, not many people do." I then expect him to walk away but he sticks out his hand.

"I'm Four." I grab it and shake it. But I'm not sure if I squeezed to hard or not. Or if I shook it to many times or not.

"Yeah I know." Yeah I know? Really? I sound like a stalker. "It's okay if you don't know my name. Again, not many people do," I say letting go of his hand.

"You're Tris." He knows my name?

"Yeah–um–I should go. Thanks for helping me." I walk off awkwardly towards the cafeteria.

I get to the lunch line then I go sit down and Christina, Will, and Al are already there.

"Guess what just happened to me," I say sitting next to Will who is across from Christina so I'm sitting across from Al.

"What,"Al asks.

"I talked to Four." They all look at me in disbelief.

"You're lying," Christina says

"If I'm lying then I'll give you my dauntless cake." They gasp.

"She's telling the truth," Will says. I knew that would get them. Dauntless cake is the best cake ever. Everyone here loves it.

"Yeah. He bumped into me so I dropped all my books so then he helped me. We talked a little then I thanked him and left."

"Aww. Classic love story beginning," Will says putting his hand on his heart. Christina chuckles but Al looks down and goes quiet.

I glare at him. "Shut up. He barley even notices me. I've never talked to him before. "

"It's because of my awesome make over skills," Christina says, Al is still quiet. "And I bet he's wondering why he hasn't noticed you before," she adds. We all laugh at her. Again, except Al. He just chuckles a bit.

Four walks in and I stare at him for a few seconds then peel my eyes away from him. I notice he keeps taking glances towards me. And I too keep taking glances but I never plan to.

Maybe he is cute. Maybe he thinks I'm cute. Or maybe I'm getting way over my head and I'm creating my own fanfiction about my own life. He will never like someone like me. A nerd, a non-athletic girl. He so popular. We are opposites, it'll never happen.


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