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The antiquities

Are so archaic, yet still admired.

Homer and Virgil I would recall.

With their extraordinary epics are still revered.

Despite made centuries ago,

Their works are still worshipped.


I still chant phrases from the Canterbury Tales

The stories of stray pilgrims

Escaping the dire Black Death.

People still have the whims

To read Shakespeare's sonnets,

Comedies, tragedies, and historical plays by him.


The struggles of surviving were real for Robinson Crusoe,

Facing the failures that could be fatal

And as deadly as poison

For a mere mortal.

Everyone would run away from Frankenstein

As he was a leviathan from the lab that went accidental.


I still hum the war songs from Jack's boys

Their very sound smelt of dried blood,

And the flies that flew around their parched bodies.

There was a war between the pure blood and the mugblood.

The fight so infamous

It only ended when Voldermort dissipated to the clouds.


The reality is also one of the classics,

Just not recognized and often overlooked.

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