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I woke up to find that Roman hadn't moved. I looked up at him and saw his hair all over his face. Piece my piece I moved his hair away and traces his bottom lip. He looked so adorable when he slept. I felt him start to stir and took my finger away. He opened his eyes a little and looked down at me. He smiled a little and pulled me closer to him.

"Morning beautiful" he said running his fingers over my hip. "Morning" I said and traced his tattoo. "You wrestle tonight?" he asked. "Yea" I said. "As much as I would love staying in this bed with you all day, we have to get up and head to the arena." he said. I looked at the clock and saw it was 1:00 pm.

I groaned. He laughed and sat up, pulling me with him. "Come on baby, I have to head back to my room and get dressed" he said kissing my forehead.

He got out of bed and took a shower. I started to wonder about last night. The way that Roman stared at Dean... he looked like he wanted to kill him.

I grabbed my phone and texted Dean.
Sophia Dean
Hey, can I talk to you in the parking lot tonight?
Yea I'll be on the third floor

I heard the bathroom door open. I looked up to see Roman in just a towel. I got up and headed to the shower just to be pulled back and felt a kiss be planted on the side of my head.

I smiled and took my shower. I got out and did my hair and makeup after getting dressed in leggings and one of my merch shirts with a pair of heels.

Roman and me headed to his house and he went inside to get changed. I stayed in the car. He came out 5 minutes later and we headed to the arena.

Once we got there I got out of the car. Roman grabbed my hand and started walking but I put on game in his wrist and he turned around. "I told Paige I would meet her here, she needs to tell me something" I lied.

"Do you want me to wait with you?" he asked standing closer to me. I smiled and declined. "You have a promo at the beginning of the show, so go ahead and get ready, I'll see you in your room" I said and kissed his cheek.

He smiled and kissed my forehead and began walking inside. Once I say the doors shut to the arena, I began walking to the third floor.

I saw Dean leaning up against his car. Once he saw me he smiled. "Hey, so what'd you need to talk about" he said leaning off the car coming closer. "What's up with you and Roman?" I asked.

His face went pale. "Ugh nothing" he said looking away. "Dean" I said sternly. He sighed and looked up. "Soph, Romans mental" he said. I laughed. "What" I said. "I'm serious, he gets angry easily, and the other day he threatened me to stay away from you or else" he said putting a hand on my shoulder.

I pushed it away and looked at him with disbelief. "I wanted to ask a serious question and you say shit like that" I said pissed off. "I'm not lying Sophia. Look he already has you tricked" he said. I lifted up my right hand and smacked him. His head turned to the left and he grabbed his cheek.

"Your a dick you know that!"I yelled. I walked away and headed to the arena. I walked inside and went to Roman's locker room. I knocked on the door and he opened it. Once he saw it was me, his face lite up. "Hey come in" he said opening the door more. I walked inside and looked at him.

"I'm sorry" I whispered. Once I looked up I saw he had a worried look in his face. "For what baby girl" he said wrapping his arms around my waist. "I lied about meeting Paige.... I actually met Dean" I said looking into his eyes. I felt his arms stiffen and he looked at me with ease but I could tell he was pissed.

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