"Thank you so much! I know you're not the best with people, but Abby here will be an angel, and it'll only be for a couple days"

Abby gave Aaron a look that told him she would not, in fact, be an angel.

"It's fine Jeffrey, I just wish I hadn't been distracted so I could've prepared more." Aaron rubbed his neck nervously, keeping a keen eye on Abby, that was eyeing one of his shelves like a mischievous cat.

"Oh you'll be alright!" Jeffrey hummed before taking a glance at his watch.

"Oh! Aaron I have to go, my flight heads out soon!" He quickly gave Abby a swooping hug and a wet kiss on the cheek, something that made Aaron grin wide at before Jeffrey peeled off out the door.

"Love you sweet-pea, be good for Uncle Aaron!"

Aaron gulped, embarrassed at the word Uncle before his name and filled with dread for the next couple days.

He turned towards his charge, only to find her already directly behind him, looking up at him with a questioning scowl that reminded him immediately of Katelyn.

"You've never done this before have you mister?" She asked, Aaron was taken aback at the bluntness of her question, but bent down to make the conversation more fair.

"Um, no. What gave it away?" He replied, putting on the quietest voice he could manage.

"You just look like you were just punched, it was kinda dorky looking." Abby giggled at his expense and released a tan backpack from her shoulder.

Aaron eyed it worriedly, and as she rummaged through it his anxiety only heightened.

He turned to the TV, flicking it on with the remote and flipped through the channels hurriedly, until he landed on one of the kids channels.

"Well hey, you stay here, I'll get you a place set up." He watched as she dragged her bag and herself to the couch, eyes not even glancing at the TV as she continued to look through her bag.

He hurriedly rushed to the guest bedroom, setting out extra blankets and pillows just in case Abby would ever need them. Even so, he heard a mechanical clicking coming from the living room that immediately set off his internal alarms.

He poked his head out of the guest bedroom only for a nerf dart to immediately stick to his forehead, he blinked, absorbing the sight of darts sticking out from every avaliable flat surface. It looked like the inside of his house had spines.

"Abby! How many darts did you bring?!" He found himself shouting as he pulled the dart off his forehead, only for the response to be a second one sticking right back in its place.

He sighed, this was going to be a long couple of days.

//////Several Hours Later//////

Aphmau was writing the latest chapter of her book, the clicking of the keys keeping her in the zone while music blasted into her ear from her ear bud, it was one of the few relaxing moments she'd had in awhile, with Kawaii~Chan committing a felony just days before.

I've been feeling so small, like a clock ticking off the wall~

She answered her ringing phone, her ear bud still in her ear and her fingers still tapping away.

Aarmau: Uh... Oops. (Under RE-WRITE)Where stories live. Discover now